Chapter Six || Broken Boy

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The phone call woke me up at 11:30pm.
Groaning I listened to the loud ring of my ring tone blare into my silent room.

"And I'll bury my love, in the moondust" It sang.

Flipping over I reached for the phone and noticed it was Malia's caller ID, confused I answered it.

"What's up?" I asked, the annoyance in my voice clearly sneaking through as I hear Malia heavily sigh on the other sided.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry. But something happened with Scott." Sitting up in bed I quickly realized Malia was crying. My heart beat quickening as I urgently asked;

"Malia, what happened?"

"I don't know the exact details," she gasped, "But his dad, his dad found out about him and Stiles. He nearly, he nearly beat the kid to death."

My heart stopped, "Where is he? Is he alright?"

"I, I don't know. Stiles is at the hospital right now and I have to be with him. My dad and I only have one car in the family and he's working a night shift. I have no way in getting there." She sobbed, I couldn't bare to hear Malia crying any longer. As it felt like my very heart was being ripped out of my chest.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."


My mom didn't even ask why I was leaving, I ran out of the house and jumped into the my small blue car before speeding off towards Malia place.

I had only been there a few times when I had went out with her to watch her go skateboarding and we went back to her house to get food. But I was glad to see I had taken the right route when I saw the cabin like house.

Malia was already outside as I pulled up, the brown haired girl ran up to the car with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled as she tried to whip them away but I shook my head.

"It's going to be alright." I promised but both of us didn't know what to believe.


The hospital was quiet at this time of night, only a few nurses walked by and gave us small smiles. As we both wandered down the hall aimlessly.

"Do you know where Stiles is?" I asked and Malia shook her head.

"I guess he'll-"

"What the fuck do you mean I can't be in there!" A voice cried from farther down the hallway. Both of us came to a stop and looked at eachother.

"Found him."

Running down we saw that two nurses were holding back a very frantic Stiles, he had tears falling soundlessly off his face. His face was in rage as he yelled at the poor nurses who could only shake their heads.

"We are sorry, but only family!" The taller one cried and his eyes darkened.

"Part of his family put him here!" He cried but quit struggling against the nurses holds, his head sagging down in defeat.

Finally Malia and I make it to where he stood, "Stiles." She says breathlessly.

His head pulled up as he stared at us, but he didn't say a word. He simply fell into Malia's arms and sobbed into her shoulder.

"You should have seen him, Mal." He gasped as my knees felt weak. "God there was blood everywhere, he could barely phone me to come get him. His dad... his dad."

"I know, I know, Stiles and it's alright he's going to be okay."

We all stood in silence for a bit until we heard heavy footsteps down the hall, "What the hell is happening to my son." A urgent voice called. Turning I saw Melissa McCall march down the path until she was standing next to Stiles who stared at her wordlessly.

Pushing open his door I finally caught a glimpse of the boy. His face was nearly purple as his arm was wrapped into a cast, an IV hanged off his free arm and the beep, beep of his heart monitor echoed in the silent room.

Melissa walked into the room and the nurses didn't bother trying to stop Stiles or Malia and I from going into the room. "My baby boy." She whispered, falling to her knees she took his hand into her own. "I should have never left you alone with him."

All of us just stared, not a single word could be spoken. Slowly I watched Stiles take a step forward to Scott's bed.

"What happened." Melissa asked, glancing up to where Stiles stood closer.

Stiles sighed, "He found out."


That was all that need to be said. As we stood there I heard Malia sniff again, her eyes welling up with tears and her hand slowly reaching out to grab mine. Quickly I interlocked our hands and pulled her into a tight hug. Wrapping my arms around the back of her neck, allowing her to cry into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"How'd you find him?" Melissa asked turning to look at Stiles again who was now by Scott. Gently pushing his matted hair away from his bruised eyes.

"He managed to phone me, but once I got to him he was unconscious and his dad was no where to be seen."

"He loves you, you know that right." Melissa says and Stiles shakes his head.

"If it weren't for me, he would never be in this mess."

"No. He'd be in this mess alone and I don't think he would have taken that well." The older women speaks, standing up from her sons side. "I'll be getting that man locked up for sure. Stiles, I'm sure your dad can help."

He nodded, "Can... Can I stay here? I want someone to be here when he wakes up."

Melissa smiled, "Of course Stiles. I'll be back as soon as I can. I'm just going to escort these girls out and make sure they make it home safe."

Nodding both of us left the room with Melissa behind us.

"Do you guys have a car here?"

"Yeah, I drove."

She smiled, "Okay, head home. I don't want your parents worrying about you guys."

We wave Ms. McCall goodbye as I help guide Malia back outside.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight." She muttered and I nodded my head and agreement.

"How bout you just come over to my place, okay? We can watch a movie or something to sidetrack us." I ask gently. And in all honestly I didn't want Malia to leave yet, I needed her comfort as much as she needed mine.

"Okay." Was the only thing the crying girl could muster.

Author Note - My babies :( I don't like this chapter v much but meh
But next chapter we may get a very promising start to Malydia ;)

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