Chapter Nineteen || I Love You

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I sat down next to her sleeping body. Her chest rose softly and her eyelids fluttered once awhile. She look peaceful for the most part, if you ignored the tubes hanging off of her and that we were in a hospital. Quietly I reached forward and I interlocked our hands before I gently starting rubbing the top of her palms.

"I love you." I whispered, a grin flicked upon my lips as I stared down at the sleeping girl. We had never said it to eachother before, not until a few hours ago when I thought I was going to loose her. I cursed myself silently for not doing it sooner, at a time we could both enjoy it and let it sink in.

But oh was it true, I love Malia Tate.

I had fallen for her slowly, but fast at the same time. I hadn't realized it to begin with, I never really thought I could love again to be honest. But, god, was Malia the easiest person to love in this world.

Pressing a soft kiss on her cheek I stood, waiting for Stiles and Scott to come in with food. I could hear the two chatting down the hallway before the door was slowly pushed open.

"Lydia!" Scott exclaimed as he trotted over to give me a warm cup of coffee. "How's the sleeping beauty."

I sighed, "Alive."

Stiles grinned as he flopped down onto a chair with a burrito in hand, "Remind me to thank her when she gets up, I get to skip school for this."

"Stiles!" Scott scolded, but Stiles only gave Scott a cheeky smirk.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood babe, chill."

Taking a slip of the warm coffee I groaned; "We are missing school aren't we? I'm already so behind."

"Yeah because you and Malia keep making out in Coaches office." Stiles snickers and Scott raises his eyebrows at me.

I cross my arms and huff, "Please, you guys are in the janitor closet more than your own home."

Now both of their cheeks flare up and I felt a smirk grow on my face,



Malia woke that night, her eyes fluttering open as she gasped. Quickly I stood and ran over to her bed to intwine her fingers with my own, I gently started brushing strands of her hair out of her face.

"Lydia- did, what-" She started, her eyes frantically scanning the room as her breath quickened.

"Shh, baby. It's okay now, you hear me? You made it." I hummed as Scott and Stiles walk over to us.

"I'll call the nurse." Scott says quickly before grinning at his friend, "Glad to see you okay Mal."

Running forward Stiles is hugging Malia as his sobs a stifled by her shoulder, "I swear to every god there is- if you ever-"

"Shut up, Stiles. I'm fine." She grins and he stood, he quickly brushed away his tears before nodding his head.

All of us soon fall silent with relief, she was back, and she was not leaving again.

I suddenly found myself staring at her hazel eyes, they dance with life and I don't think I've ever been so glad to hear someone breath. I clutch her hand tighter and I feel her squeeze my hand back, three times. Each squeeze held a word behind it;

I. Love. You.

Two Weeks Later

It's Malia's first day back to school. I was excited to have my girlfriend back in my
classes and to be able to pick her up when heading to school. Even though I had spent most of my days at her bedside or in bed with her. I was latched onto her now, and I knew it was bad to say. But if I didn't see her I thought I was going to loose my mind.

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