Chapter 6- Second Star To The Right, And Straight On 'Till Morning.

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**Pic of Chyanne's outfit on side**

Chapter 6- Second star to the right and straight on till morning

“Wake Up!!!” Layken yelled in my ear. Bitch. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” She proceeded to scream, while jumping on my bed.

“What the fuck Lay! It’s 8 in the damn morning! How much coffee have you had today?” I asked her with an annoyed tone in my voice. “Only 3 cups…” She said like it was no big deal. Layken should never drink coffee, she’s energetic enough as it is. I mean, she’s still jumping on my bed…

But just as I thought that, she lost her balance, and went tumbling to the floor. There was a loud thud and she groaned as she landed. I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off.

Her fall must have been louder than I thought, because Matt ran in the room a few seconds later. He took one look at Lay, and busted out laughing as well. “Shit babe, what happened to you?” He said still laughing slightly.

“Chyanne pushed me off the bed babe!” She pointed an accusing finger at me. I gasped, “You bitch! No I didn’t ! You fell because you were jumping on the bed!” I said defending myself. She laughed at me, “No need to be defensive Chy, I was only joking.” She said, still laughing.

“You two are idiots.” Matt said looking between the two of us. “Anyway, I just got a text from Jimmy, he wants to have a barbeque/Pool party tonight. Are Peter Pan, and Sleeping Beauty up for it?” He asked us with a slight smile on his face. I looked down at Layken and said, “You know Peter, If you want to fly, you must think happy thoughts…” I said laughing at her. Matt laughed and reached down to help Lay off the floor, and held her close to him.

Those two are perfect for each other. I want a love like that someday. I smiled at them.

“Yes! I love barbeque, what time are we going?” I asked him. “He said, around 5, so you guys have plenty of time to get ready.”

“Sweeet! We’re going shopping!” Lay exclaimed. Matt walked out of the room shaking his head.

“Why do we need to go shopping?” I asked her. “Umm, because…well, I don’t really have a reason. I just want to get out of the house. Ryleigh is at Matt’s parents for the weekend, so we can have a proper day out!” She paused for a minute. “OH! I know, we can get you an outfit so you can look all cute for Brian!” She exclaimed.

“Will you keep your voice down! I don’t want everyone in the neighborhood knowing I have a SLIGHT crush on him!” I harshly whispered at her.

“Oh hush, the only other person that knows about your little crush is Matt.” She said as if it was no big deal. “How the hell does he know?!” I exclaimed. “Oh don’t be upset. He’s practically your brother, of course he’s going to know” She said.

“Yes, I understand he’s practically my brother, that’s not what bothers me about him knowing. What bothers me, is the fact that he is best friends with Brian…What if he says something to him!?” I started freaking out.

“Oh calm your tits, he’s not going to say anything. Now get up, and get dressed. We’re leaving in an hour.” She said as she walked out of my room.

What if Matt does tell Brian?...Holy shit…

I climbed out of bed, and went to take a shower. The hot water was relaxing, and calmed me down slightly. I would die of embarrassment if Pookie tells Brian.

I got out of the shower, and got dressed. I changed into some baggy jeans, and a t-shirt. I dried my hair, and put it up in a messy bun.

I decided to text Alexa and see if she wanted to go shopping with us. I mean, we haven’t seen her in 3 years, we have some serious catching up to do, and even though she was going to be at the barbeque, I kinda just wanted to hang out with her without the craziness of a barbeque at Jimmy’s house.

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