Chapter 2

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I unpacked my things into the set of drawers I was sharing with my sister. Our room was about the size of outlet car but I didn't care. I rushed outside and into the small patch of trees behind our house. The trees seemed to have a sense of belonging, like they had a purpose to stand where they stood. I got a little jealous. Look at me, I'm getting jealous of trees. Of course I have seen things much more majestic and beautiful. But this tree, this one tree, topped everything else I've seen and I
wasn't sure why.
I told myself that if I was a tree I would want people to climb me. I hiked up the long pants my mom forced me into and reached my arms up. Not close enough. I got on my toes. Almost. I made one little hop, then grasped the branch. I swung my leg over then continued on my climb. I went up a bit then hit to a stop where I had to reach over to the other side. When I got there and looked down, I saw something that made me love this tree even more. A rope swing. The rope looked old and stiff and the seat was covered in dents, but nevertheless it was a rope swing. I grabbed the rope that was hanging from a branch right above my head and grimaced as I belayed down. I sat down very carefully because I was sure it would break if something any but heavier than me sat in it. I pushed off the muddy ground and suddenly I was soaring! For 5 seconds... Then I heard a loud snap and the branch cracked. I only had time to get a glimpse of the brittle limb falling down after me before everything went black.

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