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(AN: thank you @PooflessIsLife for requesting this. I don't really know if this is considered fluffy and it's really short, but it's all I could think of. Hope you enjoy! I'll write the other requests tomorrow or in a few days!)

Simon's POV:

"I'm not afraid anymore, Josh. I want to spend forever with you." I told my boyfriend of 3 years.

His eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face "are you sure? We can always still wait."

"I'm sure, Joshy. I want to spend forever with you." I say going I've r to him and looking into his pretty brown eyes.

"Well, then." Josh says getting on one knee and pulling out a small box that he opened to reveal a ring "I've been waiting to do this forever. I'm so happy that your ready. Simon, my boyfriend of 3 years, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I say jumping into his arms as he stands up and giving him a kiss as he hugs me.

"You're the best person in the world Simon. I'm glad I can finally show off that your mine with a ring. Now no one will try anything to get you, my love. We'll be together forever." Josh says smiling.

"Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. I love you so much, Josh." I say giving him another kiss.

"I love you too, Simon."


(AN: thank you for reading! Sorry this is so short, I'm not used to writing fluffy stuff. If you enjoyed you can let me know you did by voting or commenting! I really appreciate it!)

All words amounted to 280

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