Chapter 3

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David's POV

"DAVID! WAKE UP!" my little brother, Sam, screamed while bouncing on top of me.

I slept through my alarm going off, and my alarm going off a second time. It was now 7:00, I was an hour late for school. Not that I cared, I never payed attention anyway.

"Okay, okay, I'm up!" I said, lifting Sam off of me and putting him on the floor. I slept in my school clothes last night, just in case I overslept (which I did) so that I wouldn't have to waste time changing clothes.

I left my room and went down the hallway to the kitchen. "What's for breakfast?" I asked my mom.

"Whatever they're serving for lunch at school!" She answered, sounding angry.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You don't get breakfast, breakfast was at six o'clock, you missed it. You'll just have to wait for lunch." She answered. My mom was very strict. According to her, if you weren't there the precise time something started, you missed it.

She drove me to school, and once I signed in at the office I went off to first period.

A/N: well, now I've introduced the main characters! Who are you most like: Tracy, who's just a normal teenage girl, Jenna, the somewhat nerdy girl, or David, the slacker? Answer in the comments! Don't forget to vote for all the chapters and tell your friends!

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