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ella swept a loose strand of hair out of her face, hooking it behind her ear. she happily skipped her way through the corridors, her adidas trainers lightly skidding on the ground after each step she took.

the school was almost empty and eerily quiet, as it was already almost half-past three on a monday afternoon, and everyone had gone home. but that didn't affect ella's bright mood.

the girl had finally come to a halt in front of her destination; a worn-out door at the end of the hallway. she breathed out of her nose as her eyes wandered over the plaque stuck on the wall. detention room.

yes, she had detention. a week-long detention, to be exact. but she didn't mind that much. it was her first ever time being detained after school, so ella didn't know what to expect. nevertheless, she smiled to herself as she though of a grand entrance.

straightening her backpack, ella turned the doorknob before walking into the room.

"chogiwa!" the girl cheered, coolly sliding into the class, only to be met by a pair of scrutinising eyes.

it was a guy in a grey hoodie and ripped skinny jeans. he lazily gave the girl a questioning look before returning back to his phone sitting in his palm.

ella's grin was not fazed, though; maybe this person wasn't the bubbly type, like her.

as she made her way to a free table a couple of rows behind the boy, her eyes quickly surveyed the room. she frowned, why are we the only people in here?

i mean, the girl had already made the situation awkward enough, and since there was no one else more entertaining in the room for ella to bother, the awkward feeling just got even worse. and ella was certainly not very good with awkwardness.

the silence was deafening to ella, as she only managed to stay quiet for about a minute or two. she cleared her throat a few times, or threw her pencils on the floor on purpose, in attempt to catch the boy's attention, but nothing worked. she fidgeted in her seat so much that she was beginning to think that the adhd rumours about her were becoming reality.

suddenly, the door flung open, and in walked ella's class teacher, mr kim. she inwardly groaned.

"hello, you two," mr kim's gaze went from ella, to the boy. "as you know, you're in detention right now, and hopefully you're aware of the rules that apply when you're in this room."

"i'm not," ella pointed out.

"well then, that's what i'm here for," the teacher sent the girl a cold glare. "one: no mobile usage, or else they'll be confiscated," mr kim looked at the guy in the grey hoodie until he put his phone away. "two: no food or drinks. three: do not leave this room, of course. and four: no laughing, shouting, or talking to each other. you are to sit in silence, either reflecting over why you're here and your mistakes, or completing your homework. and don't forget, you both have a week-long detention, meaning i expect you two to turn up in this room at 3:30 sharp for this whole week, understood?"

ella shot mr kim a thumbs up, causing him to roll his eyes. "and you, young lady." he pointed at her. "no roasting."

"i got you, jaehyung," ella clicked her tongue with a smirk, after calling the teacher by his first name. he opened his mouth to say something, clearly looking troubled, before reluctantly closing it, and walking out of the room.

satisfied with mr kim's reaction, she slumped back, against the chair, shortly before her eyes wandered over to her next target: grey hoodie guy.


i'm still in the midst of editing the rest of the chapters so i'll post them later!!!! hope u enjoyed this one tho

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