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ella stood outside her classroom door, taking in a few deep breaths. it was friday, supposedly the last day of detention, but she wasn't sure of what was going to happen since they had skipped detention the day before.

ella glanced down at her phone. the time read 8:16 am. good, at least she wasn't late for class, otherwise she might've gotten an even worse punishment.

she also didn't have any sleep the night before. i mean, after vernon's confession, how was she supposed to? her heart had been beating unbelievably fast all day, and she was scared that he was going to pop out of nowhere any minute.

ella opened the classroom door and walked in. as usual, just like any school morning, everyone looked pretty much dead. well, except for—

"HEEEYYY!!" ella's best friend, tati, walked over to her and grabbed onto her arm.

"oh, hey!" ella replied, as she was dragged over to her desk. the rest of her friends grinned at her.

"how has your week of detention been, huh?" tiffany propped her head up with an elbow.

"yeah, you still have to go to detention after school today, right?" esteban asked. "hah, sucks to be you, staying back at school on a friday!"

the rest of the squad burst out in laughter, while ella was unimpressed. "shut up, guys."

"yo, what's up with you?" nate frowned.

"yeah, you're super happy all the time!" ana tilted her head to one side in confusion.

"usually you'd walk into the class screaming 'chogiwa'!" kate imitated ella, causing the squad to laugh again.

"well, i actually skipped yesterday's detention, so.." ella trailed off.

"shit's gonna go down!" ambia gasped. "mr kim will kill you!"

"yes! that's exactly why i'm uneasy right now! wait, where is he anyway?"

her friends just shrugged in response.

that was when the classroom door opened, and mr kim walked in. shit was all that ran through ella's mind.

"right, class! settle down, and take your seats," he began. "get out your textbooks as well."

ella looked at him expectantly. what was he waiting for?

then mr kim's gaze settled on her. "and ella, i'll be talking to you straight after class."

her friends were all snickering to themselves.

"great," she muttered under her breath.

ella stood by mr kim's desk, awkwardly fiddling with the hem of her hoodie. just like he had said, ella had to stay behind in the class while the rest of her classmates left for break. they were now waiting in silence for vernon's arrival.

ella has to admit, she was nervous. nervous for what sort of punishment mr kim was going to give them, and nervous for how vernon will act around her from then onwards.

shortly after, the door opened and in walked vernon, in his usual, dark attire. ella resisted the urge to grin widely at the sight of him.

mr kim stood up from his desk and sent the two students a cold, hard stare.

"from your behaviour towards being in detention, to you breaking almost every single rule i had set, i must say, this is very disappointing," he began, trying to sound as serious as possible.

"not as disappointing as your face," ella randomly muttered under her breath, but then instantly regretted it, as mr kim's eyes were fixated on her.

"ella, i heard that," he firmly stated, before averting his gaze and sighing. "from what i can tell, you both clearly did not reflect over your mistakes and change your behaviour like i had asked you to." he turned to the girl, "ella, you're still as sassy as ever," and then to the boy, "hansol, you still have those piercings in."

"your point is?" vernon looked at him expectantly.

"my point is, you both need to—"

"CHOGIWA!!" ella cut him off short, grabbed onto vernon's arm and ran out of the room, down the corridor.

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