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ella hesitantly stood up from her chair, keeping her eyes fixed on this grey hoodie guy. she wasn't sure of how she wanted to approach him; she was just feeling bored, and wanted to annoy someone.

she then decided to slide into the free seat next to his desk, trying to make as minimal noise as possible. she stole a few quick glances at him, but noticed he wasn't looking her way. his gaze was on his mobile which he had took out after mr kim had left the room. ella cleared her throat quietly. he didn't budge.

without thinking, she said the first thing that came to mind. "hey, i'm ella!"

the guy's concentration was all on his phone.

"what's your name?" she tried again.


"do you like dogs? because i do. i have one and his name is sehun. well, it's actually panfilo, but that doesn't matter."

still no response.

ella attempted to dab, but the boy's attention was not caught.

she dramatically sighed, burying her face in both hands. she resorted to her last option, and began to fake cry, as that was the only thing she could think of doing.

"shut up, will you?"

ella's head instantly shot up at the sound of his deep voice. "you said something!" she exclaimed.

the guy gave her an uninterested look, running a hand through his golden brown hair. "didn't you hear the teacher's orders?"


"no laughing, shouting or talking to each other. so shut up."

ella pouted at the boy. "you're mean."

he scoffed at her attempt at looking cute. "are you twelve?"

"yeah.." she trailed off, "on a one-to-ten scale, bitch!" she made an explosion sound with her mouth, wiggling her eyebrows.

the guy sighed, unimpressed. "what is someone like you doing in here, anyway?"

"well, i was roasting the class a lot today. whenever somebody made a mistake, i pointed it out and all. i wasn't even being serious, because i always do this kind of thing! but i guess mr kim took it a little too seriously. he was in a bad mood after all, so here i am," ella shrugged at the end of her sentence. "though i can't understand why he gave me a fucking week-long's detention. it's not like i took drugs. but i can kinda see why, mr kim has always hated me.." she looked up at the boy. "why are you here?"

"why do you care?"

"feisty, eh?" ella joked.

"i told you to shut up." the guy raised his voice slightly.

"what's your name?"

"it's.. i'm hansol. now please, be quiet."

"..hand soap?"

"ugh, no!" hansol retorted. "just call me vernon."

"oh, so you must be from canada!"

"no, for fuck's sake. you're annoying. shut up." the boy leaned against his chair.

"...do you want to see my dog sehun?" ella grinned.

"no, i do not!" vernon had lost his temper and shouted with more strength than he wanted to. ella was a little taken aback, but she didn't lose her smile. she attempted to lighten up the atmosphere once again, right before the door opened.

"what did i say about chatting to each other, you two?" it was mr kim's booming voice.

"it was all her fault!" vernon instantly pointed at ella, who narrowed her eyes at him.

"i don't care!" mr kim fired back.


"no buts," the teacher shook his head. "you both are on cleaning duty after school tomorrow."


this is lame but ok

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