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"CHOGIWA!!" ella cut him off short, grabbed onto vernon's arm and ran out of the room, down the corridor.

"what the actual fuck, ella?" this time, vernon was struggling to keep up with her speed.

she didn't stop running until they were far enough from mr kim, some place where he couldn't find them, in an empty corridor.

"okay," ella panted, "we're safe now." she looked up at vernon, and all of the memories of the previous day flooded her mind like a tidal wave. her stomach did a mini flip and she quickly averted her eyes, awkwardly clearing her throat. "so.. how's life?"

vernon chuckled. "ella, thank you."

"for what?"

"for everything you've done. the first time you walked into the detention classroom, i almost wanted to kill myself."

"are you serious?"

"yeah. i knew who you were, you were well-known for roasting people. i also heard an adhd rumour about you or something?"

"oh god.."

"anyway, i thought that my life was going to be turned upside down as soon as you walked through that door. but as i got to know you, i realized how warm of a heart you really have. you were sort of like, an oasis in a desert. that one ray of sunshine poking through the clouds. my only hope in this cruel world."

"what the hell? i never knew you were this poetic and lame."

"sorry, i just want to say... thank you for being there for me. thank you for being my only way to escape from my horrible life and parents. you really made me feel better about myself. even though i might not be able to part with these piercings on my face, you have definitely changed the way i look at life. i won't be as rebellious as i was before."

"wow," ella dramatically placed a hand on her heart, "i'm so touched, vernon!"

"hey, i was being serious! stop joking around." he frowned.

"who said i was joking around?" she sent him a smile. she then remembered something, so she took off her backpack and searched her bag for something.

"here, it's your jacket," ella held out his varsity jacket. "i forgot to return it to you yesterday."

vernon looked down at it for a couple of seconds, before pushing it back towards her. "no. i want you to keep it."

"oh, thanks!" she stuffed it in her bag with a smile.

"hey, can i tell you something?" vernon asked.


"i used to hate detention until i met you." he smirked.

"well, can i tell you something?"

"what is it?"


"..shut the fuck up."

ella laughed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "sorry, i should stop."

"you're weird," vernon muttered.

"i know. i get that a lot."

"but i love it," he winked, making ella feel a certain way.

suddenly, the school bell rang, indicating it was class time again.

"i guess i have to go now," ella smiled. "see you later, vernon." she began to walk away, before he stopped her with his arm.


ella turned her head, and... shit.

she happened to turn it at the same time vernon had bent down to give her a peck on the cheek. well, you guessed it, it was now on the lips.

ella backed away and gasped. she instinctively covered her red cheeks with her hands. "vernon!"

he just chuckled brightly at her. he was clearly happy of how that turned out. "i'll give you a proper one later."

"wait, wait?"

the end


thank u guys so much for reading!!!! i hoped you liked it, especially you ella!!! <3

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