Chapter 2

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Currently I was in my chemistry class which was just before lunch, and we were doing my favourite chapter.
"Alright class, we're going to have a project for this chapter and I've paired you'll in groups of two and you'll have a week to submit it." Mr. Roberts told us as he started pairing people up. I was so excited for it and I already had ideas coming up, but they all went down the drain when Mr. Roberts said-
"Chloe and Tyler" and there my bad luck started, he was the bad boy of our school. He was tall, hot and cute. All girls fell for him and he banged someone almost everyday. I had no interest in this guy as I hated heartbreaks and I have never dated anyone before. Aria dated a guy few months back but he cheated her and she had a terrible time, it was just like I was roaming around with a live, walking zombie. When Reece came to know about this, all I can say is we never saw Jake again...
I saw Tyler get up from his place and came and sat next to me,
"So Angel when do we meet to finish the project?" He asked in a all cheesy tone, I had never spoken to him before and wasn't even interested to do so.
"First of all, don't call me Angel my name is Chloe and second, I'll do the project myself and add ur name..."
"No even I want to do the project with you, we can finish it fast and have some fun if you would like to..." He said in an all playful tone and winked.
I groaned and replied, " No am not interested in having any fun, we'll meet and finish the project and you can leave. I'll message you my address."
"As you wish Angel, no can we please have it at my place, we will have too many disturbances at yours....." And I just knew he was talking about Aria and Reece.
"Fine, we'll meet this weekend at yours and finish the project. Message me your address today. Bye." I say as I got up and rushed outside as the bell had already rung for lunch. Just before I exited the class room someone held me by my wrist and pulled me behind and I hit a stone-hard chest.
"I need your number. " Tyler whispered in my ear. God, why was he so annoying and how could girls fall for this!?
I gave him my number and left before I could be stopped again. My back was hurting, how can someone's chest be so hard!
"Hey girl! How was your day? You know what, I am paired with Paul for my project!!" Skylar told me as her whole face turned a bright shade of pink. " Who are you with?"
"I'm with Tyler, he just asked for my number" I replied with a blank look on my face. And curiosity grew inside me as Aria and Skylar stood there with their mouth open. "Close your mouth girls, flies might enter..." I said as I bought my food and walked away towards our table where Carter and Dennis were seated. Our table was right in the centre of the cafeteria. I plopped down next to Dennis and Skylar came and sat next to me and Aria and she exchanged looks and screamed causing pin drop silence in the cafeteria and everyone was staring at our table. I was almost deaf.
"Shows over guys, get back to your own business" Carter screamed once they were done.
"Can someone please tell me why on earth are you'll screaming!?" Carter shouted.
"Yeah I'm almost deaf " Dennis said.
" Tyler Campbell, the schools bad boy is Chloe's partner for her chemistry project and asked for her number...." Aria said in the most excited tone with a huge smile on her face.
"So?" I asked all confused while eating my fries.
"Dude, Tyler has never asked for any girls number before, it's always the girls who go and for his number."
"He asked for my number to message me his address as we are doing the project there." I replied which was followed by another scream from the girls but no one really turned and saw this time....
"Can you girls stop!" I screamt once they were done.
"Sorry, but you're going to Tyler's house. You super lucky!" Both said in unison gleefully. And thankfully Dennis being the smart boy changed the subject-
"So you guys want to meet this today and go for coffee?"
"Cool so today 5 at our place?" Aria asked and everyone nodded in agreement and the bell rang.
"See you guys after school" I said as I got up and I walked out with Carter as we had gym class together.
I was hit bad on my nose while playing volley ball and it yet hurts. School was finally over and Aria and I were waiting for Reece to come. We tried calling him but he didn't pick up and it was getting hot so I asked Aria to wait outside and I went to the football ground to check but it was empty. I went inside school but the corridors were empty. When I was nearing a boys washroom, I heard a bang and I couldn't keep my curiousity behind so I opened the door and saw Reece there facing the mirror and he didn't look too well to me.
"Reece?" I asked softly but got no answer. "Reece?" I said a bit louder and clear and his head shot up in my direction.
"Chloe, what are you doing here?" And just then I wanted to tell him 'I should be asking you this' but as I saw there was something wrong I didn't be rude and answered calmly,
"Schools over we need to get home...."
"Oh okay" he just walked out and I followed. When we reached the car before Aria could ask some wierd question I sent her a 'shut up and no questions' look and she got it and we got into the car.
After we reached home, I quickly freshened up and thought of making some coffee for Reece and ask him what had happened as he's not spoken to me since we got home. I made two cups of cold coffee as it gets very hot here in Miami during summers and walked upto his room door and knocked.
"Come in" he said as I entered. He lay on his bed looking towards the ceiling and didn't bother to see who entered. I went and sat beside him and asked-
"Want to talk about what happened to you today?"I asked calmly.
"Huh?"he tried to play dum.
"Come on, you can tell me and I know something's wrong. After all I'm ur sis bro....."
"Ugghhhh, I hate it when I'm acting like a fucking pussy infront of my baby sister...." He groaned.
"I have a feeling my brother has fallen in love....." I teased and I could see his cheeks turn a bright colour of pink. "And now he's blushing...!!!" I said while poking his cheeks.
"Shut up" he said with an eye roll.
"Tell me!!" I said filled with curiosity and then he told me everything.
"Awww that's so cute"
"No, I'm a dick! I don't even get the guts to ask out a girl!"
"It's okay, soon she'll come to know how incredibly hot my brother is" I teased with a wink and got up as the bell rang and I knew it's one of my friends.
"Dinner at 8, don't be late..."
Hey guys,
Hope you'll liked this one, sorry if there a few grammatical errors....
I promise to post a part ASAP.
Don't forget to comment and vote🐣

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