Chapter 14

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They had told John that the bullet came from behind and was now lodged very very close to his heart. They had to put him in surgery, but it was very high risk. They were waiting for John's family to get there. Well they hadn't told him that, John had heard it with his eyes closed and his mind in a feverish haze.

John didn't have a family though did he? Besides his father which he'd disowned and a few siblings that probably didn't care about him anyways. Oh wait! That's right! John had a husband and a kid. A husband and a kid he hadn't talked to in a month and a half, and the last thing he'd said to Alexander was not on good terms. He didn't want to leave this world with the last thing Alex remembering was their fight. He hoped they got there soon.
What John was not having any trouble remembering was the shooting. It was all so weird. So vivid. He was arguing with this guy who was the biggest racist asshole he'd ever met. He was arguing about how African-Americans still don't have complete equal representation and the guy was being really bigoted. John had punched him angrily...He hated South Carolina, why did he go back again? So when he turned his back to the guy he heard the gunshot and felt the bullet. Guess the guy was worse than John thought. He should really stop getting into fights with people.

The doctors looked at each other as they stood over John's unconscious body. They were keeping him sedated because of the excruciating pain of the bullet. He didn't have much time left they all agreed, but they did what they could for him.


Alexander walked into the waiting room with Philip and saw John's dad. God he hated that guy but he had to have someone watch Philip. He walked over to him hand in hand and glared a little at Henry. "Henry this is Philip. Philip this is John's dad. He's going to watch you for a few minutes okay?" Philip nodded and took a step towards Henry, looking a bit afraid as the man barely acknowledged the boy. Alexander fully intended not to leave his precious boy alone for too long with that guy as he himself ran back to John's room.

Alexander stopped dead in his tracks when he saw how sick John looked, his face pale, sweating with fever, the blood seeping through the bandage just slightly and his glazed over eyes as he looked up at Alexander. "Hello Alex." John says softly in a tired voice and ragged breathing. Alexander sat in a chair beside the bed and gently put his hands over John's. "Oh my sweet John I am more than sorry. So sorry you'll never know. You are my love and you mean the world to me and I was an asshole who ignored you. I'm so sorry." He kissed his hand and John just stared at Alexander.
"This isn't your fault Alex. I'm the one who picked the fight.." He had to pause to take a ragged breath. "Thank you for apologizing though. I love you so much Alexander and I want that to be the last thing you remember, how much I love you. Not our fight or me in this damn bed okay?" He smiled a little and Alex's eyes teared up. "You aren't dying." He says and John shrugs wincing at the effort. "I hope not." He closes his eyes tiredly and Alex kisses his lips gently before leaving and bringing Philip back with him. Philip climbed on the chair so he was standing and could see John. "Paps? Are you okay?" He asks. John smiles a little and pokes Philip's nose with a shaky hand. "I want you to know I love you okay Philip? And remember what I taught you. Promise me." Philip crossed his heart and nodded. "I will paps." He looks down at his bracelet from the wedding and then Alex picks the boy up holding him tightly. They both needed it.
"Alright you're going to have to wait in the waiting area now while John goes into surgery." A doctor says and John gives them a piece sign with a smile as a doctor and some nurses roll him towards the surgery room. Alex smiled a little at the gesture and shook his head fondly, shaking a little with fear for his husband. 'He's not going to live through this' the doctors thought as they put him under to begin the surgery.

1 am:
Alexander sat in a chair facing a cross and a table with bibles and candles on it. He held his hands together nervously and a bit awkwardly as he shut his eyes tightly.
"Look I know I don't deserve for you to listen to me and I've done a lot of bad things according to your rules and stuff, but hear me out please." He basically begged, "John is the nicest, sweetest, most perfect man I have ever met. If you love any person here on this earth it should be John so please, please, let him live. If not for anyone but John... And Philip. Philip can't take another heartbreak, can't lose another parent. Please.. Uh amen?" Alexander opened his eyes and stared at the flickering candles. He never used to pray before.

3 am:
"Daddy?" Philip whispered and Alex looked up tiredly. "Yes Philip?" Alex asks defeatedly and Philip looks at his father sadly. "Can I have some ice cream?" He asks. Alexander nods and gets up taking the boy to the food court and buying him a small cup of ice cream.

5 am:
The nurses walk around but don't say anything to the Hamiltons or Henry and nothing happens with John.
8 am:
The nurses are looking over at Alex and whispering from where they're standing. Alex can't hear them but it doesn't look good.
10 am:
"Alexander Hamilton?" A nurse asks and Alex stands up immediately. Henry was reading a magazine and looked up from it. How could he read at a time like this? Philip was asleep in the chair next to Alex.
"John Laurens is recovering in the ICU. He's in critical condition but the bullet was removed without any complications and we're optimistic that he will recover in time." Alexander collapsed in his chair and hoped, prayed that he would recover. So far so good.
11 am:
They were finally allowed to go and sit with John in his room. It was dark and John was delirious but he still smiled when he saw his family.
11:05 am:
John kicks Henry out of his room with help from Alex and a nurse.
11:30 am:
Philip sits at the table next to John's bed and they both color in a coloring book while Alex watches fondly.

Governing is easy young man, parenting is harder((LAMS modern AU))Where stories live. Discover now