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"I swear to fuc..." A hand was clapped over Alexander's mouth and he huffed in annoyance but gave John a grateful look. He didn't want Philip hearing him cuss, even if his son was 16 now.
John removed his hand when Alex licked it and laughed wiping it on his husband's shoulder. "Gross!" He whined, but Alex just chuckled good-naturedly and kissed John quickly.

"They said that they'd be here by now and I'm just.."
John cut Alex off, "worried?" Alexander nods, glad John knew what he was thinking.
Lafayette and Hercules were coming to visit America and they hadn't seen their friends in years, it'd be nice to catch up. Not to mention the other couple had adopted a little girl.

Alexander had stopped working as much and started spending more time with his family while John opened his own practice in Washington D.C. for counseling children. Philip was a senior, he'd skipped a couple grades he was so smart. Lafayette was still an astronomer and Hercules had moved to France full time, becoming a tailor who owned his own shop selling mostly dresses. Laf and Hercules got married in America with all of their friends.

The door opened and all of a sudden a small six year old runs in and looks around. Seemed like she was just like Lafayette, not shy about anything. Alexander and John stood up from the couch going over and smiling brightly. "Hi!" They all said in unison as Lafayette and Hercules crushed their friends in a tight hug, almost crushing the smaller men. John whimpered in pain. "Guys please.." He mumbled and they all let go. Alexander put a hand on John's shoulder immediately in worry, ever since the surgery John had scar tissue that still hurt him with things like that. Alexander had to be careful during sex but he didn't mind. He'd stop having sex altogether if it meant keeping John happy and out of pain.
"Pardon mon ami." Laf said and John waved everyone off, he was too proud to admit anything.

"Zaza!" The little girl reached her arms up for Lafayette who picked her up with a smile. "Meet Adri." They smiled and kissed the girl's cheek. John and Alex both smiled and waved at her in that way that people do to children.
Philip walked out of his room finally and popped his gum he was chewing. He looked at all of them and smiled brightly, for sixteen he was an enormously sweet kid. "Hey paps do you have a razor I could have?" He asks and John laughs. "For what? You've got nothing growing." He playfully touches Philip's chin who pouts, crossing his arms. "I do too!" He whines childishly and Alexander laughs rolling his eyes.

Adri tugs on Lafayette's slight beard. "Zaza who's that?" She whispers. "That's Philip." They answer with a small smile. "Can I go play with him?" She asks wide eyed and Philip looks over at that with a shrug. "I probably still have some old coloring books in my room." He says. Adri squeals and has Lafayette put her down so she can run after Philip in her big poofy purple dress. Laf sighs in amusement and love and puts their arm around Hercules who kisses them quickly. "Herc makes all her dresses." Laf boasts proudly as the friends move to the couch.

"You are talented Herc." Alexander says and sits on John's lap who holds him lovingly. "So, may I ask? Zaza?" John asks and Hercules nods glancing at Laf before back to their friends. "Instead of mama or dada, Zaza. They came up with it isn't it cute?" Herc asks pinching Laf's cheek who pushes their husband away playfully.

John and Alexander smile at each other and then the other couple. "It's adorable!" They say in unison and all laugh. It was good to be with all their loved ones again.


Governing is easy young man, parenting is harder((LAMS modern AU))Where stories live. Discover now