Chapter 4

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Alexander Hamilton. What a long name. 17 letters. 7 syllables. What a mouthful. Not like Alexander couldn't handle saying it, everything else he said was a mouthful.

Alexander woke up and rubbed his eyes. Why did he think of such dumb things while he was asleep? Alex rarely had dreams, he just had random thinking periods that he didn't control, which he didn't like because he liked to be in control of what he was thinking at all times. Which is why he rarely went to sleep.

"Daddy daddy look!" He heard Philip's small voice and he turned around in his spinning desk chair- he had fallen asleep at his desk again. He smiled when he saw that Philip was wearing his jacket that he wore to work. It was obviously too big on the four year old, trailing behind him while the sleeves engulfed his tiny arms.
"What are you doing?" Alexander asks. "I'm going to work." Philip says waddling away in the large coat towards the door. He grabs Alexander's computer bag by the strap and attempts to drag it. Alexander chuckles and gets up from his desk going over to Philip and scooping him up in his arms. "You're going to work? And what are you going to do at work?"

"Help the world daddy, just like you!" Philip grinned brightly and Alexander chuckles with a fond smile before blowing a raspberry on Philip's cheek which makes the boy giggle. Alexander puts Philip down when he hears a knock at the door and goes over still smiling slightly.

"Peggy!" Philip yells excitedly and runs over to the now open door clinging to the girl's leg. "Hi Philip how's my favorite man?" She smiles walking in with him on her leg. "Even more favoriter than daddy?" Philip asks looking up at Peggy who laughs. "Of course."
Alex chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Well I'll see you guys later. Be good little man." Alexander says sending Philip a loving look and going to get his shoes and coat on before going out to his car.

John was reading a book and sipping at his coffee as he sat in a coffee shop. It was a small little place that overlooked some water, John didn't know which body of water but he didn't care. It didn't matter. That's when Alexander Hamilton walked right into the shop and sat down across from John at the same table. "Hello John."
"Hello Mr. Hamilton." John looked up at him and smiled.
"Call me Alexander. You aren't at work." The man chuckles and looks at the book John is reading. "Good book." He says. John smiles and marks the page he's on before setting it down. "Yeah it is. Alan Turing was an interesting man."
"Indeed." Alexander responds before they sit there in awkward silence for a few seconds. But once they got talking they didn't run out of things to say.

Of course once you got Alexander talking about something he enjoyed he wouldn't shut up. And John loved to listen to Alex talk, he decided. He added some things in here and there of course but he didn't feel like Alexander was talking too much and for Alexander that was a thrill since everyone else always told him to talk less.

"So you want to be a child counselor?" Alex asks curiously and John nods throwing his cup of coffee in a nearby trash can as they walked by. The two had left the coffee shop a while ago and were now just walking beside the body of water, John having his book under his arm. "Yes I do. I have to get some experience with kids under my belt first but then I'm off to do what I really want. But don't get me wrong being a teacher for your son's class is fun as well."
Alexander pursed his lips as he thought, that seemed to be a habit of his. "Do you think you could counsel Philip?" He asks and John looks at him confused. "His mother, my wife, just died recently and I'm worried for Philip's well being. He's a normal happy kid most of the time and then other times he's very depressed, which I think is normal? But also I think it would be good for Philip to do that. And he already likes and trusts you." Alexander rambled on.

John had a small amused smile on his face as he watched Alexander. He seemed to get excited over the smallest of things. It was quite adorable.
"Sure. I'd be happy to help. Philip is a great kid."
Alexander smiles in a bit of relief that he hadn't asked too much of the man he hardly knew and the fact that he'd complimented his kid. "Thank you. One day he'll blow us all away."

"I don't doubt that." John says not breaking eye contact with Alexander.

Governing is easy young man, parenting is harder((LAMS modern AU))Where stories live. Discover now