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I got up from the motel bed, and scratched. Damn, ion even got clothes. Looks, like i gotta go back to her bouse. Even though i dont even know where that lady lives. I went into the bathroom, and splashed some water on my face, then put on my socks and shoes. I guess im ready, all i really need is a shower, tooth brush, and fresh clothes. These dont stank. But still.

I picked up my guitar and my paint's, and left. As i was walking, my stomach growled. I just realised I was hungry. I scratched my neck and looked up at the street signs. Okay, lets do this dumb shit. If this Daniel Dr. The next street is Owen St. I kept walking. Okay she lived in a huge white house. I walked across the street the went to ghe next street and crossed it. I looked to my right and saw a small blue house. Yep, i remember this house, i walked to the right. I went down 3 more houses before i seen her house.

Finally, making it too her house. I knocked, then rang the door bell. "Who is it." I heard. "Its Christopher." The door clicked and it opened. She threw her arms around me. Why does this lady always hug me. I aint her child, she looks nothing like the mom i remember. "Can you let go, i have to put my stuff down." She slowly let go and let me in. As soon as i walked in everyone's head snapped to me. I just simply walked right up stares and put my things down, and grabbed fresh clothes and a tooth brush. And took a long hot shower. Soon, I was finally relaxed.

After the shower i threw on some a little simple.

See simple

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See simple. I sprayed colonge on me, and opened my bedroom door exiting. As soon as i got downstairs all you heard was laughter. I sighed and jumped down on the ground hard, making them quiet down. 'Momma' got up. "Everyone, this is my son Christopher, Christopher this is your family." I laughed hard. I started crying from laughing so hard. I got up breathing hard wiping my eyes. I looked at Ms. Bradley. "Oh you were serious." She nodded. "Well everyone get to know Christopher very well, he's going to be with us." She smiled at me, the patted my back. I mugged her. And walked to the arm chair which was empty, and sat down. A movie was on, so since I dont have a phone why not. A walked up to me, and smiled. "Hey I'm Lala, remeber me and you went to kindergarten, all the way through middle school together." I shook my head. "Doesn't ring a bell." I mumered and continued watching tv.

"Welll, nice to meet you since you dont remember." She expanded her hand, i looked up and her then grabbed her hand, a flashback appeared.


"I'll miss you baby girl." A younger chris said smiling.
"Ill miss you more babyboy." A younger girl said kissing younger Chris's cheek.
The 'helpers' put chris in the car, and drove away. As the little girl stood there releasing tears.

End of flashback

I stood up shocked and quickly walked out the living room, though the dining room, to the kitche and out the slide door. I stood there breathing hard. Lala is all that rang in my head. The girl I use to love, play with, kiss on the cheek, make jokes with, have fun with. I didnt remember her at all, until now. Maybe, Ms. Bradley is my mom. Maybe I just don't remeber her. I pulled a cigerate from my pocket and lit it, starting to smoke. I relaxed as my mind relaxed. My hand shook. Dammit, I need my pills, I'll get em when I finish my cigerate.

I sat on the childrens swing, and smoked until the cigerate decreased little by little.
Hmmmm, I looked up at the foggy anfternoon sky. Not a good day in paradise. I laughed at myself. "Shut up Chris." The slide door opened and appeared the little boy. "Christopher! Mommy says its time to come inside now!" I flipped him off. I have no idea why I treat that kid, the way I do. When I should be mad at Ms. Bradley. She's not my mom at all. I swung and started humming a tune.

"Why am i mad, it makes no sense." I stopped and thought for a second. "Its like you give me signs and i miss it, everytime i get the chance, i loss my cool and i blow it. Yeah yeah I should've kissed you, i should've told you, told you just how i feel. I get all tongue tied lost in your eyes, im a fool and i know it yeah yea." I stopped smiling. I remember my dad sung that to my mom when i was 5.

She cried smiling, they kissed. She was pregnant around that time. She lost the baby, i never knew why. After she lost the baby everything went south, my dad beat my mom, amd i got sick of it and handled the situation. Which explains why i was in the Asylum for so long. Very long....But he got what he got.

Part 4 here We Come!

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