Chapter Two - A Wakeup Call or Two

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After saying goodbye to Nightshade and Vixen; I put my kit box back and headed outside. Lenobia had found me after dealing with the two boys and gave me until lunch off. So now I was walking around the gardens trying to think about what to do with the two boys who seemed determined to fight over me. Sighing I sat down on the bench and placed my head in my hands. I couldn't do this anymore, Ethan was coursing me so much stress and with the anniversary of the Dark War coming up Mum was freaking out and I was planning the Dark Daughters ritual. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realise anyone else was there until they put their arm around me. Slowly looking up, I was met by the one person I really didn't want to see right now; Ethan.

"Hey Baby. What's got you so stressed?"

"You have Ethan! Jason and you are always fighting! Why? What's so important about me that you would risk exclusion?"

Ethan looked away from me at that point as if he was trying to hide something. What in the name of Nyx was going on around here? I looked around the garden waiting for him to answer me and I spotted something or rather someone watching us, no, not us Ethan; someone was watching Ethan. Just then the breeze changed and brought the person trying to hide scent to me and I was shocked. I glanced at Ethan and suddenly everything dropped into place.

"You're not fighting because you love me."

"What? Of course I am!"

"Don't lie to me; Ethan! You're fighting to look like you're still my loving boyfriend when really you're in love with another."

"Lec, what in the name of Nyx are you on about? I love you!"

I stood up and turned to look at someone so close to Nyx using her name in such a lie. I growled and glared at him.

"Lie to me all you want; but never use the goddess' name to back you up! I know you use to love me Ethan and you still love me like a sister; but you're no longer in love with me! I wish I had seen it sooner; you two have been following each other around like lost puppies! How on earth did I miss it? Megan! You two are in love! So explain to me, why you didn't break up with me to be with her?"

By this point Megan had come out of hiding and was standing next to Ethan looking highly upset. Ethan placed his arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on his shoulder. I looked at the two of them as they stood together looking worried about what I was going to do to them. I paced around in front the bench trying to decide what I was going to do. I glanced over at them again and felt my heart warm. I looked up into the small sliver of moon in the sky.

'You know what to do my Daughter; don't fight what you feel for him!'

"You two belong together I can see that. So Ethan, you need to be with her; and Megan you need to be with him. I need to talk to someone about something, so enjoy. And Ethan I dumped you remember that."

I turned away from them and headed into the forest behind us. I always found the forest calming, which I found weird as my affinity is Spirit not Earth, but never mind. I was wondering round thinking about Jason, when I tripped over and was caught but black wings. I looked up and saw the one person I wanted to see. The immortal I loved as my brother; Kalona.


I could help but throw my arms around his neck and hug him like no tomorrow. He hugged me back and I could feel him smiling.

"Hello Parva soror. How are you?"

"I'm highly confused. I care about Jason and I just broke up with Ethan so he can be with Megan. Did you know about those two by the way? But I don't think I should be with Jason. Ethan and Jason have been fighting so much lately, if I get with Jason after just breaking up with Ethan; who has been lying to me; I feel they will continue to fight. And why has Jason been fighting Ethan in the first place? Ethan was doing to try and hide his feelings for Megan by making me think he was fighting for me but he wasn't so what was Jason fighting for?"

By this time I was stood in front of Kalona passing back and forth across the glade. I stopped to take in my surroundings and realised that we were by the knot tree and Kalona was currently sitting on the tree smiling at me.

"What are you smiling about? Will you help me out?"

Kalona laughed at me and I just glared at him before turning my back on him and resumed my passing. What I was expecting was Kalona's wing suddenly wrapping around me and pulling me to him; then forcing me to sit down.

"First of all Nyx will not be happy if you dig a trench in the glade as it will appear in the otherworld! Second, I might have known about Ethan and Megan; please don't try moving away right now; both of them have been praying to not only Nyx but Erebus and me for help. They have been so worried about how you would react to their love; they didn't want to lose your friendship!"

"They won't I love the pair of them! Megan is like a sister to me, much like you're my brother!"

"They thought that would make it worse. I think they thought you would ask me to hurt them. Don't worry I would listen to you if you did ask me! And as for Jason, he was fighting out of love for you and because he knew what Ethan was hiding for you. He was fighting because he thought you deserved better than Ethan's lies. Have you tried talking to Jason, instead of walking away from the fight?"

I glared at him.

"I've never walked away from the fight!

"Yes you have! Please don't lie to me; Parva soror! I have been watching you since Ethan started praying. Every time they start fighting you duck out and ignore them. Talk to Jason, Electra and give him chance to tell you why he has been fighting for your heart."

With his speech finished he kissed my cheek; before wrapping his wings around him and returning to the otherworld. I checked the sky and started to make my way back to the castle for lunch. Kalona was right; I had been running every time they had started fighting. And I hadn't actually spoken to Jason and asked him why he was fighting with Ethan so much, I had just walked out. I looked up at the sky and smiled.

"Thanks for the wakeup call, Brother, I needed it. As always; you knew what I needed better than I did."

With that I continued towards the Dinner room to find Jason and finally ask him something I should have done ages ago.

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