Chapter Five - Something Dark This Way Comes

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After Spanish had finished, I tried to get away before Lex cornered me again. But no such luck, those stupid long legs of her allowed her to catch me before I got very far.

"Hold your horse's Lec! We need to talk!"I sighed and looked up at her.

"Fine but we're walking and talking. I'm not going to be late for Lenobia!"

So I started walking in the direction of the stables with the lanky blonde on my tail.

"So? What's going on with Jason and you? And when do you two love birds leave for Rome?"

"First we aren't together so please don't call us lovebirds. Second we leave in three weeks and I'm not looking forward to it." 

Lex was quiet next to me; which was new. I don't think I've ever seen her speechless before! She always knows what to say; so naturally I burst out laughing at her reaction. By this point we were walking outside in the castle's courtyard; well one of them. We were walking in a peaceful silence now that I had stopped laughing; but something made me stop. Something felt wrong, something felt out of place as if it should be in the realm of nightmares and not within such a divine place. I looked round myself, hoping to see what was making me so anxious, but everything looked perfect as always. It wasn't until Lex tapped me that I finally snapped out of it. She looked at me; then out into the courtyard, she had felt it to. Now normally we aren't scared of anything! Come on; we're two of the only born Vampyres! But whatever was it that courtyard had the pair of us running for the stables, like two cats with their whiskers on fire. Speaking of cats, the second we walked in the door ours jumped into our arms.

"What was that? It felt like something was there but the courtyard was empty except for us?" 

"I'm not sure Alexis; I think I'm going to go talk to my mother about it. To be honest I need to talk to her about the Jason situation as well. Tell Lenobia where I am?"

"Of course I can Darling."

Lex kissed my cheek before walking down the hall of stables. I turned and walked towards the area and the south wall towards Nyx's temple and my Mothers office. I was scratching Vixen's head absent minded as I followed the curve of the beauty outside wall of the Castle of Skye. How was I going to explain the feeling in the courtyard to my Mother? I love her but sometimes I swear she forgets that I'm just as connected to Nyx as she is. I stopped and looked up at the temple of Nyx then bowed my head.

'Please help me remind my Mother that I am as important to you as she is. Help me to show her that I'm not some defenceless child, that I am a warrior in my own right and have your blessing in my way of following the path you have laid out for me. Blessed be my loving Goddess.'

I smiled up at the statue of the women who is like a second Mother to me, before continuing along the walkway. I felt the breeze warm up like a Mother's hug on a winter's night.

'Your Mother knows my child; she just has a tough time letting go. She loves you, as do I.' 

I smiled and felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I sighing I knocked on the door in front of me and pushed open the door to see my Father pacing in front of the desk. Frowning I closed the door as silently as I could and rather naughtily listened in on their conversation. 

"Jason even emitted to Lenobia that they were fighting over Electra! How dare they?! She is our daughter; we fight for her! Not these two hormonal fledglings!" 

"James, calm down!" 

My Father turned to look at my Mother; before sighing and falling into the seat opposite her. 

"She is 18 and can defend herself when it comes to the boys. And I've heard she has dumped Ethan and told Jason she doesn't want a relationship at the moment." 

How in the world does my Mother know all this? JADEN!! I love the kid to bits but he is my Mother's little spy! I will be having a word with the mini Night! 

"Jaden found all this out?" 

"Electra told Elizabeth with Jaden sat next to them. She can deal with the two boys James. But what she can't do is spy very well. Electra stop hiding in the shadows and come talk to us." 

I dropped my shoulders; then went and sat on my Father's lap. I know! I'm 18 but I'm a daddy's girl and that isn't going to change because of my age! 

 "Mother, Father. Urm have you noticed anything weirdinthesoutherncourtyardnexttothestables?" 

I was so nervous about their reaction I rushed it making it sound like one very long word. Oops! 

"Say that again, but slower Hunni." 

"Sorry Father. Have either of you noticed anything weird in the southern courtyard next to the stables?" 

I looked between my parents as they glanced at each other before looking at me. My Mother nodded at my Father, who tapped my side and made me stand up before checking the room and sitting back down. 

"Darling; last week Aphrodite had a vision and Krishma wrote a poem, both were very similar and both involved you. Aphrodite's vision spoke of a Dark power and you battling it. Now I thought she must have mistaken you for me, but Nyx did something I thought I would never have to go through again. She showed me the vision and it was definitely you. Now; what the Dark power is? I'm not sure. I don't think Nyx knows what shape it will take but that's it has decided to show itself now." 

My Father had resumed his pacing now and was looking like he wanted to punch something. I sighed and looked at my Mother who was looking pale and in need of rest. 

"Mother go rest; Father let's go shot." 

I didn't give either of them chance to reply before I was up and out the door. I could stop thinking about what my Mother had said. 

 'Mistaken you for me.' 

What I had felt couldn't be that powerful that my Mother thought she should be the one to fight it, could it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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