Chapter One - Fighting Again

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One day I was sitting in the Dining Hall, eating my lunch when Ethan sat down and planted a kiss square on my lips. I groan and glare at him, he knew better than to do something like that. I love him but come on he knows I hate the attention we get from the rest of the school.

"Ethan; you better have a Divine reason for doing that or I'm going to...."

I trailed off as I noticed he wasn't paying attention to a word I was saying to him. Frowning; I follow his gaze and my eyes fall on Jason Wise, the hottest, most talented actor at school, who had been watching Ethan and me this whole time. Yes Ethan is hot, but he is nothing compared to Jason! And of course Alexis choose that exact moment to join us in our booth.

"Damn it Lec! Jason is starring at you again! That's like the third time today!"

"Lex! Shut up now! Ethan don't listen to her."

But my words fall on deaf ears, as Ethan has already gotten up and is already walking towards the hottest guy in school. After glaring at Lex and giving her the 'You're so not helping!' look, I turn my attention back to my pain in the ass boyfriend. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the rest of my circle making their way over to the booth and use this as the time to flick my gaze around the hall. All focus is on Ethan and Jason, who are having a yelling match whilst standing glaring at each other, waiting for the other one to throw the first punch. I can't help but pray to the Goddess that it isn't my Father when the door to the teacher's Dining Hal opens; but no Nyx is not listening to me this afternoon as my Father is the one to storm through the door and straight over to the two young Vampyres. Looking at my Father's face, I sigh and curse under my breath, he looks murderous and he is about to take it out on Ethan and Jason. Those two are so deep in trouble even Nyx couldn't stop my Father right now; well who can blame him this is the sixth time they have been in a fight this week. Sighing again, I smile at the gang then all but run from the hall, already hearing the other students whispers about how they are fighting over me again. I was walking down the path towards the stables when I heard voices coming towards me; so I dived into the alcove to my right as I was really not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"What in the world does Jason see in that purple witch?"

So that is what the girls are calling me these days.

"Who knows! I just think Ethan can do better than her; but that circle only dates each other."

"That isn't true; Dexter isn't part of their circle and he's got a Warrior Bond with Seers daughter."

If Aphrodite knew she was known as the Seer and not The Goddess' eyes; she would flip out and she's scary when she's angry. I waited for them to move past me before a black ball of fur jumped down into my arms.

"Hello Vixen."

I laughed and scratched my little girl behind her ears then started walking down the path again.

I put Vixen down on a bale of hay and picked up my grooming kit before heading into Nightshade's stall. In front of my stood a giant version of Vixen; my beautiful black Friesian Stallion had the same crescent moon mark on his forehead as Vixen. I loved my black beauties. The stallion turned his great head to look at me, before snorting at the cat and me and turning back to his food.

"Good morning to you to Handsome."

Laughing; I grabbed a brush and started running it gently over his already glistening coat. Once I got to his neck, I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips and then buried my head into his neck.

"Oh Shade; what am I going to do about those two boys? Always fighting! I love Ethan; but then Jason! Well he's on a whole new level compared to Ethan. I think I need to talk to Kalona."

I looked out the stall to catch three or four girls running past.

"What in the world?"

I popped the brush back in the kit box and followed the girls. They lead me into the big arena just to the left of the stables; where a big crowd seemed to be gathered in the middle of the sand arena for the horses at the far end of the huge shed. I walked over; keeping my head down. In the middle was what I dreaded to find; Ethan and Jason had managed to escaped my Dad and were now at each other's throats again. I was about to step in and stop them when someone just as fared as my Dad yelled across at the boys.


Lenobia; the horse mistress and Travis her consort; strode over to the crowd, who quickly made a path for Travis and her to walk through. Finally she stopped in front of the two very guilty looking fledglings.

"So; what pray tell; are you two fighting about?"

Jason looked at his feet and kicked at the sand as Ethan looked anywhere but at Lenobia.

"I'm waiting boys. It must be a very good reason, if you thought it good enough to fight in my school!"

"I'm sorry Lenobia but we were fighting about Electra."

Everyone gasped and looked at me including the two boys in the middle. Ethan looked at me with a proud look on his face; whereas Jason looked sorry and sad. Lenobia raised her eyebrow at me and I just shrugged my shoulders; before turning round and heading back to Night shades stall. Those boys were going to be the death of me.

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