Chapter Three - Jason Wise

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When I reached the hall; I stopped at the door as a few of the girls turned and glared at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Great! This is going to be hell. I pulled the door open and stepped inside. I tried to ignore the whispers about Ethan and me splitting up and him now being with Megan. When I spotted the two of them, I smiled and wave then blew a kiss and gave them a wink. Laughing at them as the copied me, I let my eyes run around the room looking for Jason; when something very blonde decided to block my view. I was only 5ft 6 so unfortunately next to Lex's 6ft frame I look like a dwarf. I looked up at my best friend and she smiled down at me as if waiting for me to tell her some joke. I just shrugged my shoulders and raised my eyebrow at her. Sighing she grabbed my arm and dragged me over to an empty both in the corner.

"So spill! What happened?"

She pointed to Megan and Ethan who were smiling at each other. Smiling I turned back to face her.

"I saw how they were following each other around, so I let him go to be with her. I was getting tired of all the fights. Which turns out that Ethan was only fighting to hide his feelings for Megan! He was trying to play the protective boyfriend so no one would realise he loved another."

Lex was looking at me as if I had lost it.

"And you just let him go? Just like that?"

"Megan's like a sister to me; I want her to be happy! Same goes for Ethan! We haven't been happy for ages and now I know why."

Lex glanced over at the couple and smiled. Then her head snapped back to me so fast I thought she might break her neck.

"JASON! What are you going to do about him now you're single?!"

I waved at the girls whose heads had snapped round at the sound of Jason Wise; before glaring at Lex. Sighing I placed my head on one hand and looked up at her like a lost puppy.

"I don't know! I was looking for him when you ambushed me. I don't feel like being in another relationship right now; but I don't want to lose his friendship at the same time as turning him down."

"Fair play girl! By the way Jason is in the drama hall."

She whispered the last part before winking at me then running over to Dexter, who had joined the others. Sighing I looked up at the clock, which told me; we still had 20 minutes of lunch left. I pushed myself off the table and grabbed two sandwiches; before heading off to the drama hall to find Jason.

Finally reaching the hall, I crept in and saw Jason on the stage. He looked glorious up there; like he was born on the stage. Smiling; I slowly walked down towards him; trying to think about how to word the questions running through my head.


Great! He spotted me before I could decide.

"Hello Jason."

I climbed the last few steps up onto the stage and stopped a few paces from him. He smiled at me and went to walk towards me; but I shook my head making him stop and look at me with his head to one side. I sighed knowing it was time to get the answers I feared for some reason.

"Why Jason? Why all the fights? I now know the reason Ethan was fighting; but I need to know why you did it."

Jason sighed and turned his back on me. He looked like he was fighting himself. When he finally turned to look at me, he looked upset like it was hurting him to look at me.

"I knew. I've known for ages about Ethan and Megan; before he knew it himself. Megan has been talking to me about him for about six months. I felt sorry for the pair of you girls; so one day I spoke to him and next thing I know the idiot punched me! It started with me just trying to look out for Megan."


I felt like such an idiot! Here Lex and I were thinking he had a crush on me and it turned out that he just felt sorry for me. I turned away from him and was about to walk away when I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"It started for that reason then about two months ago I started thinking about you more and more. Then I felt a call and meet Athena; that mare has a massive crush on your Nightshade by the way; which made me think about you even more as I know you have an affinity for horses. I couldn't stop thinking about you then."

He started pulling me towards him and slowly placed his hand on my waist.

"Which is when I realised; that I felt for you and that my anger at Ethan wasn't just about him hurting Megan; but about him keeping you from me."

By this time I was pressed against his chest looking up into his eyes. I could get lost in those hazel eyes and right now my thoughts were getting very fuzzy. I could a deep breath before pulling back and went over and punched the bag we kept backstage; before turning back to look at Jason. He looked drop dead gorgeous and he was looking at me as if I was his own personal Goddess.

"Jason. I do care about you but I can't right now. I really do care about you and I'm definitely into you. But right now my heads all over the place; so forgive me."

Jason looked at me as if I had gone mad. He walked right up to me and placed his lips on mine. Of course I kissed him back; he is hot after all; and loved the feel on him against me. I pressed my body up against his warm one and he placed his hands on the back of my tights; signalling me to jump and I did. He walked us backwards and held me against the wall. I let out a moan and it seemed to wake me up. I pushed against Jason.

"I can't! Please understand Jason."

He growled and walked off. I waited until I heard the door slam shut behind him; before sliding down the wall and swearing. What I hadn't noticed was someone watching us the whole time.



I've been think about changing the name of this to The Purple Daughter.

I want to turn this into a series and was thinking about doing a book about each member of the circle if I can which I was going to call The Circle's Children. Each book will be called something Daughter or Son. But is it a good idea? What's your opinion? 

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