Crazy Day Part II

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"So what do you need to tell Madison?" Ashley asks as we pull out of the schools parking lot.

"Well, you know how I went and had lunch with Aiden today. Um... well... he kinda told me that he has a thing for Madison." I tell her and her head shoots to me.

"What? Are you serious?" I nod my head. "And you're not like, mad about it?" She asks in a high pitch voice.

I giggle at her before answering, "No, why would I? I mean, yeah, some people would say that it's wrong for my ex boyfriend to have a crush on my best friend—but I think it's okay. I want them both to be happy, and if Madison likes Aiden, then I think they should definitely go for it." I finish with a shrug and my girlfriend smiles at me. "What?" I ask.

"You have an amazing heart, Spencer. And I really admire that about you." She says sweetly, reaching over and grabbing my hand. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

As we pulled into Ashley's driveway my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my dad calling.

"You want me to stay out here with you, or you wanna be alone?" Ashley asks putting the car in park.

"I don't know. Alone I guess..." I tell her and she nods.

"If you need me, I'll be right inside, Spence."

"Thank you." I reply as she gets out the car. I take a deep breath and slide the accept button over on the screen to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, Spencer." He says in a low voice.

"Hey, Arthur." I answer. Never once in my life have I called my dad by his first name, but honestly right now I don't even feel like he deserves to be called dad.

He sighs before asking, "How was school today?"

"Hell." I say simply.

"Things bad, huh?" Like really what is the point of this conversation? You called to make small talk with me when you haven't acted like a father most of my life?

"Is there something that you wanted?" I ask, becoming annoyed with this meaningless conversation.

"Well, um..." He starts, clearing his throat before continuing. "I wanted to talk to you about your mom, Spencer" He stops.

"What about her?" I say a little harsher than intended. But the very mention of her has changed my entire mood.

"Well, yesterday she was being irrational. I don't think she meant of what she said. I think she was just embarrassed and mad and things got a little out of hand. I don't think she-"

"Did she say this?" I cut him off.

"No, but-"

"Then I don't really want to hear it. She basically told me that she wish she never had me. That my love for Ashley is so wrong that she would disown me for it. What type of mother does and says those things?"

"Well, it's more complicated th-"

"That was a rhetorical question." I snap. "Look, I'm not coming back there, I don't want anything to do with this family anymore. Where were you yesterday when mom was basically tearing me down, piece by piece? Why didn't you speak up then? You were on her side."

"Spencer, you know your mother. When she gets something in her head there is no talking her down from it. I just wanted her to cool down before-"

"See that's the thing. You counsel kids all day about this very thing, you help them in ways that probably saves their lives. But when your own daughter needed saving, where were you?" I ask as the tears start to fall. "My whole life I've felt like I was the daughter you never wanted. Like you would have much rather had two sons, or just Glen. But the one time I really needed you, I forgot all that, and I hoped... no I believed that you—of all people, who have my back. But you didn't. And for that, I can't forgive you." I finish and he remains quiet for a moment before speaking.

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