What Just Happened

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The next day at school I found myself wishing the day would go by faster but not so school could be over like usual. I found myself wanting last period to come quicker and I hate literature.

“Why are you so anxious?” Madison asked, nodding her head at my knee which was bouncing up and down uncontrollably.

“I don't know.” I tell her honestly. I've been like this all day, and I really have no clue why besides the fact that I want last period to get here already. Okay, so maybe I do know.

“You're weird.” My best friend tells me then pretends to listen to the teacher. I say pretend because Madison has never once listened to a lecture in class. She always and I mean always copies my notes later. And she's an A,B student. I mentally shake my head at that.

On our way to the parking lot to go get lunch I could see Ashley getting into her car. 'She's a junior not a senior. How does she get to leave campus at lunch?' I think to myself.

“Who?” Aiden turns and looks at me.

“Huh?” I say looking up at him. Oh, did I say that out loud?

“You said that someone was a jun--”

“Oh, no one.” I cut him off. I don't know why I'm even worried about what she's doing. I shake the thoughts outta my head and go have lunch with my boyfriend and friends.

After lunch the rest of the day went by pretty fast and it was time for last period. I hurriedly made my way into class and took the seat behind the one that Ashley had sat in yesterday. Madison gave me a 'what the hell?' look then took the seat next to me. We normally sit in the back of the class so we can talk, hence the look she's giving me right now. Aiden got transferred to a different class because football season was starting soon so they had to switch his schedule up so last period would be a class that he could miss from time to time. Football players have it so good. He now has gym last period, so basically he now has a free period.

As the rest of the class files in everyone takes the seats they had yesterday except for the boys that were sitting in the seats now being occupied by me and my best friend. They didn't dare ask us to move, they know who my boyfriend is aka captain of the varsity basketball and football team. Nah, they wouldn't dare, that's social suicide. They take the seats that Maddy and I sat in yesterday.

I watch them as they sit down and as I turn around I realize Ashley had already come into class and taken her seat.

“Shit.” I mumbled, getting a look from Madison and the teacher. Oops, guess I said that a little louder than I intended. I needed a reason to talk to her. A reason to get to know her. I didn't know how I would come up with that reason yet, though.

“Okay class, take out your literature books and turn to page seven. Read the poem on your own and then we'll discuss it as a class.” Mrs. Randson instructed. We all did as we were told. “So what do you all think the main theme of this story was?” Mrs. Randson questions the class, looking around for volunteers to answer the question. Ashley raises her hand.

“I think it was about loving someone that you know you can't have and the pain of dealing with such love.” She answers.

“That's g--”

“I think it's about falling for the wrong person. Not necessarily someone you can't have, just the wrong person all together.” I interrupt the teacher. The whole class turns and looks at me, including Ashley. “Sometimes we feel things for people, things we shouldn't feel, things we want to deny but no matter how hard we try we can't and that's where the pain comes in.” I finish.

“So, do believe in soul-mates?” Ashley asks me.

“Yeah, I do actually.” I answer. Ashley smiles.

“Me too.” She says, and I smile back.

We must have been staring at each other for a while.

“Good discussion ladies.” The teacher says and breaks our staring match. Ashley turns back around in her seat. “Okay, everyone turn to chapter two, I'm going to be assigning parts for everyone to read in the play, but I will be taking volunteers first so read up a little bit on each character and then tell me who you'd like to play.” She instructs up.

“What was that?” Madison leans over and whispers to me.

“What?” I ask innocently. “We were just talking about the poem.” I tell her.

“Yeah and then you had a staring contest for thirty minutes.” Madison is always reading into things, I swear.

“Nothing Madison, it was nothing.” I whisper back, then focus my attention on my Lit book, hoping Madison would drop it. Thankfully she did. The rest of class was actually quite fun. We got our parts for the play, that Mrs. Randson is thinking about making the school's Fall Production. Thankfully, I'm not a lead character. The bell rang signaling the end of class.

“I'll meet you in the parking lot I need to put these books in my locker.” I tell Madison as we pack up our things.

“Can you ride with Aiden today? I gotta get my little sister and her friends from soccer practice in like an hour and you know how you like to lollygag.”

“Yeah.” I tell her and whip out my phone to text Aiden to let him know I needed a ride.

“I'll see you tomorrow.” Madison hugs me and walks off in the direction of the parking lot. I head to my locker, I throw my books in and shut it.

“Shit!” I yell at the person who just scared the fuck outta me.

“Sorry.” She smiles. “I didn't mean to scare you.” Ashley was leaning against the locker next to mines.

“Well you did.” I say holding my chest. She really did scare me. She shouldn't just sneak up on people like that. “You really shouldn't sneak up on people, that's how you get shot.” I joke as I whip out my phone to look at the text I just received.

Aiden: Can't today babe. I have football tryouts, I'm the captain I have to be there. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you though, I promise. :)

“Great.” I mumble as I close my sidekick 4G.

“What's wrong?” Ashley asks me as we make our way to the parking lot. I look around to see if Madison had left yet, I really didn't wanna call my mom to come get me. I really need to hurry and get my car back.

“Oh nothing, just I was supposed to get a ride home from my best friend but she bailed on me so I asked my boyfriend and he can't do it because of football practice so it looks like I have to call my mom to come get me which is so embarrassing as a senior.” I laugh at myself. I don't think I breathed one time during that rant.

“Oh.” She said simply and looked in the direction of a Black Porsche. “I could give you a ride home, you know, if you wanted me to. I mean, I totally get if you don't cause you don't know me and you know what your mom always says, don't get in the car with people you don't know, so I get it if you don't want a ride.” She say hurriedly and all I can do is laugh.

“Are you done?” I ask, still laughing at her.

“Yeah.” She smiles.

“Okay, good. And I would love a ride. Thanks.” I say as I pull her towards her car. She unlocks the doors and we get in. “Nice car.”

“Thanks, it's my dads actually but he lets me drive it to school and stuff. He has plenty.” She smiles as we pull out of the parking lot.

Here's my chance to get to know her...

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