"When you start wanting Allah,
Allah will start wanting you
And when he starts wanting you
All of the work will become easier"
__________________________Your hope in my heart is the rarest treasure.
Your name on my tongue is the sweetest full of pleasure.
My best hours are the hours I spend for you.
Oh Allah! How can I your Believer live in this world without remembering you?
How can I endure the next world without seeing Your face?
I am a stranger in your country
And lonely among Your Worshippers.___________________________
AsalamOalikum I hope you are all doing wellHow was this...?
Hope, is hard especially when giving up is the easiest option, trust me I've had lots of times when all I want is to give up and I'm sure many of you have as well, but I've realized that giving up isn't going to help you at all. If you be a little bit patient and trust Allah. Allah will be your hope, your light.
For His Believers
PoesiaI think poetry is beautiful, it has a way of expressing emotions in a way I don't think words can but poetry expresses emotions by just one word. I feel that in Islam, like every other religion there needs to be poetry to keep us surviving and goin...