I need You

137 38 25

"When you start wanting Allah,Allah will start wanting you And when he starts wanting you All of the work will become easier"__________________________

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"When you start wanting Allah,
Allah will start wanting you
And when he starts wanting you
All of the work will become easier"

Your hope in my heart is the rarest treasure.
Your name on my tongue is the sweetest full of pleasure.
My best hours are the hours I spend for you.
Oh Allah! How can I your Believer live in this world without remembering you?
How can I endure the next world without seeing Your face?
I am a stranger in your country
And lonely among Your Worshippers.

AsalamOalikum I hope you are all doing well

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Hope, is hard especially when giving up is the easiest option, trust me I've had lots of times when all I want is to give up and I'm sure many of you have as well, but I've realized that giving up isn't going to help you at all. If you be a little bit patient and trust Allah. Allah will be your hope, your light.

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