Whole New Town and School

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All the art is this book is not mine unless It has my name on it or I say it's mine
{y/n perspective}
We made it to our new home in a new town with a new school. It was called Tokyo. We grabbed all our stuff and looked for our house. We decided for all of us to live with each other. We found our house and unpacked. Luckily the cops wouldn't be able to find Sam on the other side of Japan. Corra and Alaina shared a room, Grian had his own room, I had my own room, and Taurtis and Sam shared a room. Once we were all unpacked we decided to walk around town for a bit. Sam asked why we moved (since he doesn't remember anything when he's insane) , and we told him why. He panicked and got all teary eyed. Taurtis came over to him and comforted him. We had our first day at school tomorrow,so we should get some rest.

Tokyo Soul Book 2 (Yandere High school)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant