{Salex perspective}[Oh Snap!]
I watched as Taurtis and that Samantha girl walked out of the hospital. I said,"Taurtis you will be mine" in my head. There has to be a way Taurtis will date me. Then I remebered something. My old friend Invader Put a chip in Taurtis's head that made it so he did what ever Invader told him to do. Now if I could reprogram it to make it my voice he listens to then he will be mine. Yes this plan is full proof. I just have to go to Invaders old home and get her laptop to reprogram the chip. So I rushed to the train station.
{Y/n perspective}
Taurtis and Samantha got home around 4:30pm. Taurtis went into his room to change and Samanthastarted making Salad and Carrot cake. I asked her why she was making it and she said,"So we can eat dinner with Sam." I nodded and saw Taurtis come down the stairs in his clothes. I said,"What did you do with the Nurse dress?" He said,"It's up in my room for now." I said,"Okay."
[Time skip brought to you by Taurtis :D]
It was 6:00pm when we arrived at the hospital. We walked into Sams room with the food fro us all to eat. Samantha gave Sam some salad and carrot cake and gave us all salad and carrot cake. We all ate and talked about Sam coming home Tomorrow. He was excited. He said,"I'll have to be in a wheelchair though." Taurtis said,"It's fine Sam you will heal." Sam then laid down and set his plate on the table. He then fell asleep. We all said goodbye to him and cleaned up. Then we went home.
{Salex perspective}
I made it to Invaders old house. It was 11:30pm when I got there. I walked into her house and walked up to her room. She had posters of Sam everywhere in her room. I found her laptop and looked at her servers. I found a server called "Taurtis". I opened it and saw all the codes for the chip. I decided to recode it on the train ride back to Tokyo. When I got home it was all recoded and I now had to wait for it to load. It said,"Loading 1%..." It might take a while. So I fell asleep.

Tokyo Soul Book 2 (Yandere High school)
Fanfiction(I do not own any art in this book) After what happened at your old school you and your friends move to Tokyo and start going to a new school. Everyone keeps having problems. Sam still fights with his inner Demon. If you haven't Read my first book r...