Chapter 7- What Happens in 3 days before Justin come's home

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      Note- i wont be able to update this weekend or the week comeing up until next friday or staurday ill be on vacation ill try my best to update you guys while im there atleast a chapter. Ill see you soon! ill try!



                 I woke up this Morning feeling really tired i can already tell it wasn't gonna be a good day, Justin and I would stop texting and calling each other all week and now he only had 3 days until he comes home i was really excited and i also missed my dad surprisingly. I walked down staires and over heard Chaz and Ryan's conversation, us 3 become so much closer the past week. I walked near the Kitchen to get a better listen to there conversation 

" Dude do you think we should tell her" Chaz said 

" I-don't know man" Ryan said 

" come she doesn't deserve this she deserve's to actually me loved not used" Chaz said once i heard him say that my body started to shake 

" i guess your right well tell her when she comes down" Ryan said ok so now i know this is towards be , I pulled my self together and walked in normally 

" good moring boys" i said while walked in with a smile on my face to bad it was fake 

" good morining" they said 

" umm hey Alex can we talk to you" Chaz said 

" sure whats up" i asked 

" ok so here goes nothing im gonna be straight forward with you ok" Ryan said 

" ok go on...." i said

" so that night we played truth or dare when you came back and over heard our conversation about you and how you ran upsatire's, before Justin left he said he was gonna make up a lie just so you wouldnt think he wanted you for your body but he really wanted to be with you for MORE fame and because of who you where and he was in love with your appearance not really you and your personality" Ryan said 

       I got up out of my chair not saying anything Chaz and Ryan where staring and me with worried eye's, i felt the temperature  rise up in my body i thought it was on fire i thought my skin was gonna fall off , i just stood there silence looking at the table and before i knew it everything went black. 


      RAYAN!!!! i yelled " she fainted omg what do we do! do we take her tot he hospital!" oh my god i didnt know what to do i was panicking. Ryan was going insane pacing back and forth and it just made me more worried 

" what do we do! should we call someone" i asked worriedly

" no dont call anyone!" Ryan said i put my hand on her chest looking for a heart beat and then a pulse  right now i didnt care where my hands where on her body i needed her to wake up. We brought her back into her room waiting for her to wake up she could have fainted , i looked up online about it and its possible. A half an hour past still waiting for her to wake up i still think we should bring her to the hospital.


             I flirted my eyes open i thought to my self what happen wasn't i just in the kitchen,

" w-what happen?" i asked 

" OHH MY GOD!!!! YOUR UP" chaz yelled ok that was loud and Ryans face looked relived 

" thank god your ok , you past out! after i told you that little story" Ryan said 

" im hungry" thats all i said with holding my tears back

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