Chapter 31 - Im Just, Done

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 Alexandra's -P.O.V

It's been about 1 month almost 2 since the day i was on the Ellen show and after all of that everything was crazy. I went to Paris for 4 days to do a commercial and to take model shots so that's how i spent my four days there , work work work and note i wasn't with Justin.Then after all that i flew to New York for 6 days the first two days was to practice for the Victoria Secret fashion show and then the 3rd day was the actual show which was pretty amazing the rest of the 3 days i spent with my dad in the city since he was there also . After that i flew back home just for two days that's it two days to record a couple songs that will be on my album and do my interview for the Believe movie . When i was home thoes two days Justin didn't bother to stop by so i hopped back on the private Jet went to Florida , Europe , New Jersey and New York to do concerts that my dad booked for me and now

I'am home finally well i've been home for three day's now and the first thing i did when i got home was i got a call and went right to the studio story of my life , but anyway I'm laying in my bed with Cameron trying to comfort me which isn't helping because i'm having thy worst Jet lag. I haven't seen Justin OR even heard from him nice right oh! and i forgot to mention we did talk he called me up when i was in Paris telling me hes moving back in with his mom for a little while and I've been in the media so much that its driving me insane so yup every things just getting better and better.

I sighed " Alex" Cameron tapped my shoulder i opened my eye's "what" i spoke in a low voice " i don't know if i should show you this or not but i just think its necessary" what is he talking about i sat up on my bed and turned my head towards Cameron " just show me i honestly dont care" he took the magazine that was next to him and placed it on my lap. I picked it up looking at the front cover 'Justin and Carley getting comterable with each other 'the tittle read and then there was a picture of Carly smiling at Justin and Justin was looking down smiling , i flipped to the short passage ' Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen spotted together looking all cozy and comfortable looks like there enjoying each other company ..... is Justin cheating? but the real question is what happen to JALEX well all know Alexandra Braun is traveling the world but sources say the young couple Alexandra and Justin are still going strong , America's cutest couple' I read

" like i said i dont care" i threw the magazine "Alex! your cant say you don't care this is a big thing, there's a big chance that Justin is cheating" i know Cameron was right but i just don't wanna think that Justin is ...and i know hes not he gave me a promise ring i just don't want to think that. If your wondering Cameron and I have gotten a lot closer i went out to dinner with him and his family the day after the Ellen interview and let me tell you it was actually alot of fun. "whatever' i mumbled answering Cameron back. There was silence in the room well just the t.v was playing but i was enjoying the silence and then that's when my phone rings i swear if its anything about work im going to go nuts.

Well its not work but it's Justin "Hello" i answered the phone dryly " baby girl! , oh how much i missed your voice" he spoke " well you could have called Justin" i mumbled and getting Cameron's attention " i know im so sorry i've been really busy finishing the tour you know , ill make it up" he quickly spoke " oh so you wont be getting comfortable with Carly" i questioned will an attitude "you actually believe that article that picture with photo shopped its a total obvis the media just did that because there loosing stories to keep up on us, i gave you a promise ring for a reason didn't i" he explained " look i booked us reservations for tonight to go out for dinner at the Italian restaurant so be ready around 8:00 i'll meet you there"

" okay see yah there" i responded " good , i love you Alexandra" i really don't know how to respond to his " yeah love you to , bye" i massaged my temples " bye" i hung up the phone and placed it on my night stand i looked over at the time 6:40pm " your really going to go" Cameron spoke in a shocked voice " uh yeah i guess so" i don't even no why i said ill go im to tired and i guess Cameron knew i was really tired because he is starting to play with my hair and and just touch my skin making me feel comfortable " i think i should go take my shower now" i started to get up from my bed " this is gonna be your 2nd shower since i've been here take one tomorrow" he held my shoulder i guess he was right " wake me up at 7:00" i mumbled and my head hit the pillow.

"Alexandra wake up" i felt Cameron shaking me "its 7:15" i cringed not wanting to get up that's until he literally pushed me off the bed and i hit onto the wooden floor " really.really was that necessary" i spoke while i was reaching onto the bed he just sat there laughing clenching onto his stomach "i didnt expect you to fall"he flew out his hands. I walked into my walk in closet looking for something to wear which i found something easy i picked out a flowey cheetah shirt with black leggings that had leather going down them on each side paring thy outfit with over the knee boots and for jewelry i picked out about four Alex and Anni bracelets from my collection of them i also but my diamond gold name plate and i had the promise ring on like always.

"hows the outfit" i asked Cameron patting down my self " looks good , i still cant believe your gonna go" he sighed i just stood there looking at my self in the mirror " well Cameron he is my boy friend" i saw him roll his eye's " not a very good one" he murmured and i couldnt help but just agree with him i didnt respond to Cameron i just finished my make up which was the usual and went over my hair with the straightener" it's 8" Cameron murmured shit i rushed out of the house. "okay, bye i guess ill see you later" i gave him a quick hug and we both left my house him getting into his car and me getting into mine.

I arrived at the restaurant at 8:10pm i stepped out the car with paparazzi already in front of the place "Alexandra over here" one shouted " are you meeting Justin here Alexandra look at the Camera" i put my head down not making eye contact with them or the camera's the past month had been really bad with the paparazzi and the fans usually now police have to escort me out of places but i love the fans very much because they support me alot "Miss.Braun oh come with me to your Private table your date hasn't arrived yet" I'm guessing this guy was the manger of this place and of course Justin isnt here yet.

I sat down and waited and waited " Hi im your waiter -"i cut him off because i knew who this was " Caleb right?"i questioned he put his notepad down and a smile crossed his face " wow i thought you wouldn't have remembered me because like you see alot of people and names" he explained " it just clicked haha uh can i get a glass of water" he wrote it down on his note pad "yup ill be right back" i smiled after about a minute he came with my water but then left so he can help out other tables.

I checked the time on my phone 8:45pm i sighed i was right about to get out of my chair but i saw a tired Justin walk in and behind him was Za? i think but thats not the point what is he doing here anyway , Justin came closer and closer i took more of his appearance gray sweats , a red t-shirt , vans,Black sunglasses and a black snap back wow i guess i should of showed up in my pj's i rolled my eye's and got up from my chair Justin opened up his arms and pulled me into him " i've missed you so much baby girl" i hugged him back " yeah i uh missed you to" we both pulled away at sat down " Za was with me so i guess he could have tagged along i was late because well i was writing a song and i fell asleep im really sorry" he reached out to my hand so he could rub small circles on my skin " uh yeah its fine" i smiled making it like everything's ok when its not Za looks like hes high like always and its Justin and I's date i never re-called Za being my name or Justin's

We - well i shouldn't say we I was sitting there silent while Justin and Za where talking like hello your girl friend is right here yah the one you haven't seen in a really long time. Caleb came over at took all our orders " so how are things, i like your new tattoo" i asked Justin while looking at his new tattoo of an eagle , he was on his phone like um that's rude " things are good and thanks , did you hear my new music from my Journals not all of them are released tho" he glimpsed up at me " uh not i haven't i've been like really busy" i said with a tone but not caring "oh" that's all he said was 'oh' like okay

Our food came and i was really hungry so at-least i was looking forward to eating we all started to eat. " so are you looking forward to the Believe premier?" i questioned it looks like im the one who has to start the conversation " yes! i cant wait your gonna be there right with me by my side right?" he asked " yeah ill be there.. right by your side" i mumbled and we went right back onto his phone i sighed honestly i dont even know why im still doing this hes been acting like this ever since I just done i dont like this its weird hes treating me like hes not caring so just whats the point... Im Just,Done im giving up on him , just say something.....

I felt my self getting hot he didn't even ask how i was or what i did for the past what 1 month almost 2 i felt a lump starting to form in my throat and tears forming in my eye's and he didn't even notice i started to fan my self oh my god i need to get out of here and i know what i had to do " Justin ill be right back i have to use the bathroom" i spoke like everything was ok " ok" i slowly slipped off the ring off my finger and set it on the table i got up from my chair taking my bag with me. He didn't look up i just started walking off leaving everything behind i took one glimpse at him not looking up to see if i was ok or anything like he usually did , he didn't even notice i left the ring on the table i shook my head.

" Have a goodnight Miss.Braun" The manger spoke " thank you, you to" i spoke in a low voice and left the restaurant feeling the cool air hit my face "Alexandra! how are you and Justin , you guys are the cutest where is Justin" the paparazzi asked flashing there cameras i hopped into my white Mercedes and drove off while i saw fans running towards my car i made sure not to hurt anyone or even my self and flew down the street with my elbow leaning near the window and driving with one hand , i felt tears pouring down my face feeling heart broken. We almost made it up to a year and half....

I pulled in front of the gates of my house letting my self in and parking my car in the lot. I walked into my house going up to 4th floor where my dad's room is , i wonder if Justin noticed yet... i reached my dads room hearing the t.v on " hey, your home" i leaned against the door frame catching his attention he smiled and pulled me into a hug we broke a part and his thumb went over my cheek " you look upset" he pulled his eyebrows together " have you been crying" i smiled seeming like everything's ok i don't need him worrying about me when he had 100 other things to worry about so i giggled " dad I'm fine , ill be in my room" i looked at him and walked out of his room i don't think he bought it tho ... before leaving his room there was a big picture of my mom and dads wedding day of them kissing and a couple other pictures of them at the beach and shopping ...they where so in love people called them high school sweat hearts i remember we where all sitting by the fire place when i was maybe 6 and telling me how they went out freshman year i just think that's adorable. A tear escaped from my eye as i quickly wiped it away.

" you miss her a lot dont you" my dad stood behind me looking at the pictures " even tho i was only what 8 almost 9 , i miss her lots" she was so bueatiful " one day you have to tell me stories about her like when you guys where dating" i smiled at my dad "i'd love to"he said while smiling at me then looking back at the picture " well ill be in my room" he nodded "ok ill be here"

Justin's P.O.V

"are you sure she's not in the bathroom" i looked at the waitress asking her again , where did my baby girl go " please get the manger"i asked her she quickly went off ,now im totally confused Za was just sitting there " yes, Mr.Bieber is there a problem" he stood in front of me while i was still seated " uh yeah , where is Alexandra my girl friend" i asked him he looked alittle taken back and confused i noticed his eyebrows pulled in together " uh Miss.Braun left about 20 minutes ago" now i was the one who looked taken back the manger walked away ' she left 20 minutes ago' repeated in my head why would she leave.

I pulled out my phone pulling up my contacts to Alexandra's name so i can call her, i got up from my chair until there was something that caught my eye's the sparkle of it ,the reflection. My hand got weak from holding onto the chair and sat my self back down , i reached over the table holding nothing but Alexandra's promise ring i felt my stomach clench , my legs getting weak and the palm of my hands starting to sweat , i cant believe this is happening this cant be happening i felt everything come crashing down.

Maybe she just took off so she wouldn't get it dirty when she eats , or maybe it fell off her finger or maybe she took if off and left it here to go use the bathroom or possibly she took it off because people questioned if it was an engagement ring... but i knew better those where just all scenarios in my head i wanted to be true but weren't. " oh shit bro,she left you" Za made it sound like it was some kind of joke i got up from my chair " find your own way home" i quickly left the restaurant

" Justin Justin over here where's Alexandra" i blocked off the paparazzi and the fans kept starring at me and i know they know somethings wrong i got into my car putting the ring in my wallet and i drove off to Alexandra's house.

I arrived at the gates typing in the code to let me in i hurried out of my car leaving the drivers door open and half way making it up to the door i stopped my self 'shit' i mumbled forgetting i don't live there anymore im back home and i left the keys in side the house. I took a step back looking at the house my eye's shot to a big window seeing nothing but her she so beautiful and then that's it... i didn't see her where did she go.

I notice the light in her room turn on i quickly got out my phone and called her luckily i can some what see her shadow the line only rang twice and that's how i know she ignored my call , ' no please baby dont ignore my call' i called her again does she even know im out here ....she ignored my call again i felt the pain come back in my stomach , i texted her

~~ My Baby girl Alexandra~~

Al baby please answer me

i sent one

baby girl please answer me

i sent anther one

what did i do wrong

and anther one

im outside , please come out please

i decide to try to call and text her again and again and again until she answers me i noticed i've been standing out here for 20 minutes but i didn't care. I looked back up to her room with tears welling up in my eyes she put her phone down and walked out of her shutting the light to her room , please be coming out please.

My eye's where locked to the front door seeing her come into view opening the door and closed it behind her our eyes came into locked she walked closer to me as i did the same. She came to a stop leaving a big gap between us, i walked closer to her making the gap smaller "stop" she spoke out stepping backwards once i was about to speak she cut me off saying something i didnt wanna here ever and here comes the horrible pain back in my stomach.


i didnt know what to say to him i was just gonna come out and say it as hard as it is for me i just i have to i had to. He was about to say something but i cut him off " Justin , im breaking up with you" i spoke out , i looked at him seeing hurt all over his face he tried speaking but no words where coming out until he finally chocked them out

" b-but its gonna be like old times right w-where we just break up temporally and then were gonna g-get back together right" i saw a tear escape from his eye i cant look at him i-it just breaks my heart when i see him upset ( Note* this is there 2nd break up) " J-Justin i d'ont know where just done" i looked back over at him "b-but wht did i do wrong , i thought we where perfect" another tear escaped his eye but i was shocked did he just ask what he did wrong like he doesn't know!

" J-Justin are you kidding me! you where such a douche-bag towards me you may not see it because your to blind to see it but i did and i-it hurt alot" i explained while tears where coming down "Alexandra no baby please iam so sorry " he came closer to me trying to pull me into a hug " no Justin just get off' i shrugged him off of me he looked hurt " it- just- i , goodbye Justin" i gave him one last look and turned around going back into my house hearing Justin call after me

"Alexandra! it doesn't have to be like this im sorry" he pleaded " i-i cant lose you , you mean the world to me please" i tired blocking out his voice and closed the door behind me slowly sliding downing crying my eyes out sobbing.


My heart has just been ripped out this cant be happening tears where coming down faster as Alex just shut the door behind her i stood there for a few more minutes my stomach hurt badly i-i feel like my whole world just came crashing down in a matter of minutes it hurts so much , i got back in my car looking the house seeing Alex just entered her room since i could see a whole better view of her she wiped her eyes and she fell to the floor crying my baby shes hurt i-i cant tears where coming down more.

I pulled out my phone and called her, i looked back at her window seeing she got up from the floor and layed on her bed just crying she ignored my call i tryed calling again but went straight to voice mail , she shut down her phone i started to drive back to my house which only takes 1 minute to get there literally since we both live in Calabasas.Ca

I opened the front door to my house with tears still coming down , i heard my mom running towards me " Justin baby whats wrong" she pulled me into a hug i just laid my head on her shoulder letting the tears poor out "m-mom s-she broke up with me" i started sobbing " oh my god hunny" we both pulled away she put her hand over her mouth and she started to form tears which made me cry harder.

I quickly ran up the stairs into my room seeing so many things that reminded me of Alexandra my baby , i landed on my bed laying on my stomach sobbing clutching onto one of my pillows , i took a picture frame that was right next to my bed there where four pictures of us one was us kissing at Madison square garden , thy other one with us smiling at the camera at the red carpet and the last two one was me looking at her without her noticing and the last picture was her looking at me without me noticing which i found over the media.

Just by looking at theses pictures there where so many memories which made me cry even more .... how can it be over it cant be over i moved the picture frame that was now laying next to me , i heard my mom creep into my room sitting on my bed rubbing my back gently " shh Justin its gonna be ok , your gonna be ok" she spoke quickly but that's a lie its not gonna be ok its never gonna be ok. i felt my self slowly drift off asleep.

"Baby... wake up. Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey" i heard a sweet angel like voice i opened my tired eyes seeing nothing but beauty sitting on top of me as i was currently laying in my bed , my girl friend little miss Alexandra Braun i smiled at her and put my hand right below her ear and my thumb ran across her cheek smoothly , i kissed her soft pink plumped lips passionately , we broke apart and she left out a small giggle. I can wake up like this everyday

I took in her appearance she had loose curls in her long darkish light brown hair almost like my color , her big brown eyes which where very similar to my eye color but she had more of a hazel type , the way she blinks with her long curled eyelashes and just when she giggles you see her small little dimples. She was wearing short black pajamas pants with a black t-shirt that had my face on it and said Believe and just how her body was so perfect , she's like something you dont wanna touch because its just to valuable looking , but she's all mine

" why are you looking at me like that" she giggled i just smiled at her natural beauty " i just cant believe how lucky i am" i flipped us over so now i was on top of her i kissed her lips making it down to her neck then brought our lips back together " im so in love with you Alexandra, im so frickan in love with you" i breathed out and we where now looking at each other in each others eye's " im so in love with you Justin just so frickan in love" she pecked my lips. We both got out of my bed and i giggled at her Small 5'2 frame " what are you giggling at huh" she asked while putting a hand on her hip

" your just so little and adorable" i hugged her from behind pushing my front into her butt which is just the perfect size "Justin!" i put my head on her shoulder "wait just a little longer" i mumbled while she laughed after about another minute of standing there i pulled apart " wait Alex let me see your shirt" i spoke in a questioned voice she turned around " oh ohkay" she spoke while i had a smirk on my face i took a step back to look at her smoothed tan legs which my eyes traveled up her body landing on her shirt where my eyes just stood in one stop. Oh how much she just turns me on

"Justin!" she playfully slapped my shoulder " your so perverted" i laughed because she finally realized i was turned on and that i was starring at her big chest .. "let me see those white pearly teeth of yours" she smiled big and i laughed at her cuteness , i love how she always puts a smile on my face every time im with her " get on my back you little squirt" i spoke while lifting her legs so she was now on my back and i ran into the kitchen with her "Justin slow down" we both laughed and I set her down " you guys are the cutest , i cant" My mom smiled

I put my lips on top of Alexandra and kissed her softly " i love you so so so much" i mummbled on her lips " i love so so so much to" i kissed her again

I woke up hoping that these's events were real i looked around seeing no Alexandra and just wet spots on my pillow , it was all just a dream i fell back down onto my bed why just why , i then  picked up my phone hoping to see phone calls or texts from Alexandra saying it was a mistake but sadly there wasn't any it was 11:50am , i sighed heavily hearing people talking down satires


It was almost 12pm and i felt so bad about what happen last night with Justin and Alexandra that it crushed me  i couldn't help but just cry hearing Justin cry himself to sleep, i couldn't take it so i called Scooter so he is  here also with Ryan and Chaz. " i've never seen him like this before"i put my hand on my cheek looking at his bedroom door with such worry " see this is why i dont fall in love"Chaz sighed loudly " your pathetic dude one day you will get married to a girl your in love with" Ryan spoke to Chaz  " yeah yeah i know" Chaz replied i just took it off and looked back at Scooter 

"How's Alexandra" i asked with concern "Same as Justin , i knew something was wrong when i saw Justin waiting outside the house" he sighed ruffling his hair " when i left this morning she was writing a song and that's the last thing i saw her do" i took a glance back at his door just waiting for him to come out " do you think Ryan and i should go check on him?" Chaz suggested " yes please im really worried" what im a mother i should be really worried both Chaz and Ryan left and open the door to Justin's room all i heard Justin's voice say 'Alexandra'   oh my god he thought it was her who entered the room "It breaks my heart Scooter , it really does" 

" i know i know me to"

20 minutes later 

Ryan and Chaz just left Justin's room and i was really hoping that Justin was following them right behind  but sadly he wasnt. Chaz and Ryan both sighed and fell onto the couch "he's a mess" Ryan shook its head " isnt this there 2nd break up the first one he wasnt like this" I wondered " yeah this is there 2nd break up and its only because they got back together instantly it was more of a miss understanding there last break up" Ryan explained to me so now i understand " so what happen when you went in there "Scooter asked " well at first he thought we where Alexandra who was coming in" my poor baby hes such a mess 

" than stupid ass over here say there more fish in the sea" Ryan spoke while hitting Chaz's shoulder " but Justin explained that he doesn't want anyone else but her and how he feels so broken" Chaz spoke out this time but before anyone else said anything Justin's door opened seeing him walking out looking worn out at just hurt , we walked over each i pulled him into a hug while he just rested his head on my shoulder " everything's gonna be alright" i rubbed his back " is it" he whispered i couldn't answer because i couldn't really tell 

He broke away from me and sat down on the couch he leaned his head back and let out a sigh " she made it like it was nothing , like it was easy" he tired speaking but his voice was breaking "a-and i thought i could have said stuff to change her mind to not b-break up with me , i didn't think it was over until she walked away i thought i could have changed her mine b-but she just walked away not changing her mine" a tear escaped from his eye and mine " it was so unexpected it - just - i , i love her so much" he put his hands on top of his head. I looked over at Scooter who was kinda getting un comfortable and was trying to say something but words didnt come out yet.... 

"di-did youu guys ever have uhh have y-you know" i looked out Scooter "Scooter!"  i scolded i didn't have to know this as Justin's mother once i was about to speak again Justin cut me off " y-yes , we did we made love to each other twice"  i chocked on my own Silvia i guess i do understand there both 19 and they were in love  my baby boy is growing up ,i looked at Scooter who had a hand over his head. " w-why did you guys break up"  i looked back at  Justin who looked like he just wanted to go to his room and cry " i-i dont know she said i acted like a douchbag towards her" i was taken back by the choice of words " well did you act that way" Chaz questioned 

" i-i don't know i could have , but i wasn't all the time i-i was just stressed all the time , i-i didn't mean to , oh my god it's all my fault iit's my fault that i just let one of the best things that's ever happen to me slip right through my hands i-its all my fault" tears escaped from his eye's " b-but i don't understand , you where never like this with Selena" i spoke " i never made love to Selena , Selena and i never clicked like how Alexandra and I do and we never will  , me and Selena liked each other we through the word love around but we never really knew what love meant but until i found Alex i knew exactly what it meant" my mouth was shaped as an O " now i understand" i nodded my head 

True love never dies 


We saw anthoer side of Justin in this chapter!! i have more to come! the Believe movie was AMAZING!!!! everyone have a happy new years love you all 

 Thank you so much for reading  and  for the votes and comments please keep them coming give me your opinions on the story .... sorry if there was any mistakes in the story 

I have so much more to come for this book(: 

   Thank you for reading!! the comments votes and reads mean alot to me thank you! ;*   

MY life As Scooter Braun's Daughter- Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now