Chapter 46- "Happy Birthday"

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Chapter Forty Six

"Happy Birthday"

Alexandra's- Point Of View

I wiped my forehead letting my sweaty hair fall onto my face re-teaching my self the dance I was working on for my new artist. Her song played on the radio letting my body take control over it just thinking of it as the song was there first.

I watched Zara sitting on the chair watching me dance. It amazes how talented this 16 year old girl is and looks up to me. I finished the last dance step for her music video , looking over at her waiting to see if she liked the dance I put together for her song BadBoy.

" perfect , I love how it goes with the song" she hugs me I love that feeling of accomplishment of how hard I worked on this dance for a good week " thanks , now it's time for me to teach you" i bring her over to the middle of the room , she groans " do we have to do it right now I'm just so tired"

See this is the problem with her she's lazy "don't you have to catch your jet in an hour or two" she says I look down at my phone seeing that she was right. As of right now I'm in Switzerland then traveling to Atlanta for Justin's birthday which I'm not sure if I'm defiantly going.

" yeah your right but if you really want this then you have to stop being lazy or else I'm not gonna help I'll send you the video and when we meet up again you have to have it down packed" I explained to her grabbing all my things "yes I really want this , I got I can do it no pressure I'll see you soon"

"Bye Larsson" I waved walking out the door "Bye Braun" I hear her yell as I walk down the hall way with a clear head fixing my colorful unicorn backpack that Miley got me so we could match. You really gotta love her.

"Alexandra.Alexandra over here" I stepped outside seeing paparazzi ,since when were there any here at this location I shook my head seeing news reporters.

"Alexandra is it true , you've been seeing Justin Bieber"

"Alexandra wait wait" they yelled I turned around seeing a lady follow me with her mic and big camera men.

"One question , I have to catch my flight" I said fixing my pink and blue sweatshirt. I Probably look like a rainbow Miley just had to match our outfits today.

"Okay so..." She started speaking

'Chose your question wisely' I Singsang in my head

"What do you think of Justin Bieber" she asks

"I think he knows me better than anyone else , he's such a great friend" yes I just friended Zoned Justin Which we are kinda more than friends but they didn't need to know that.

I walked straight to the black truck seeing my driver "airport?" He asks as I turn on the radio "yup"


Getting out of the limo i stand in front of the hotel ill be staying at for the next couple days , i walk being greeted my the door man " hi , I'm hear to check in" i smile i the middle aged women who looks shocked.

"oh yes yes , Alexandra Braun" she say's

" your room has been payed for already , just take your room key which is room 410" the lady hands me they gold and white key "thank you" i smile at her walking around the quite hotel , i jump hearing my phone ring " holy Jesus" why so loud , i shake making my Chanel duffle bag fall on the ground. I reach my back pocket pressing the answer bucket "H-hello" i stutter picking up my bag walking into the elevator.

" hey , did you miss me" i hear a light chuckle in the back round " oh! Birthday boy oh how i've mist you so much" putting my hand over my heart with a dramatic face i hear Justin laugh " you are just so darn adorable , i just cant help my self" i laugh at him " well , Happy Birthday , ew your so old" i scrunch my nose hearing him gasp " well thank you so much , i appreciate it really because on the 23 of March you will be just as old as i'am 20"

MY life As Scooter Braun's Daughter- Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now