xscape | 3

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Chapter 3 | ✨

When I woke up I was in the back of an ambulance truck strapped down to a stretcher.

I struggled to get the straps loose but they wouldn't budge.

"You might as well sit still little lady. Its four hours to Northlake and we've only been on the road for about forty five minutes." The paramedic spoke.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Well can you at least tell me what time it is ? And please give a pillow or something damn , it's uncomfortable as fuck back here."

He chuckled but I didn't find shit funny.

"It's 11:45 and we don't have pillows."

"Thanks." I looked out the window as the lights from the city faded away. It was all trees and the only lights was the car headlights and the moon following us. I silently cried.

I couldn't be in no crazy hospital. I'll loose my mind in there.

4 Hours Later | ✨

I had drifted back into a deep sleep when I felt the ambulance truck come to a stop. I woke up slowly opening my eyes , wishing this was all a dream.

Too bad it wasn't. "Northlake Behavioral Hospital" was written in big white lights across the building. It looked more like a prison to me.

"Hey , we here." The paramedic unstrapped me and let me walk out the truck on my own. Before I could take one step he came and grabbed my arm.

"I gotta walk you in , just in case you try to run."

I shook my head. Where was I gone run to ? I was four hours away from civilization.

He walked me all the way to the door and let me go. I looked back at the ambulance truck as it drove away.

I started crying. I tried to hold myself together but I couldn't.

I walked through the door and wanted to piss myself.

"Take off all your clothes and put this on. You'll be given regular clothes in the morning. When your done come out and I'll take your weight and height. Then I'll transfer you to your block."

The black woman spoke with a country accent. I took the clothes which felt like paper and changed out of my hospital gown.

"Aye , if your wearing a bra with under wire take that off too."

I shook my head. I felt violated.

The only thing I had on was the paper suit and my underwear from the hospital which felt like carpet. Im glad I haven't started having periods yet.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was pale and my eyes were swollen red and I had bags growing underneath them. My hair was all over the place and I just felt so weak.

I ran the water in the sink before splashing some on my face and drying it with the hospital gown.

I walked out the restroom throwing the gown in the trash.

"Follow me. Have you ate ?" The woman asked while looking at a clip board.

"No." She stopped and looked back at me.

"Oh baby no , you gone have to eat."

She went into what I'm guessing is her office , and brought out a lunchable. It wasn't much but I swallowed it and stuffed the candy between my legs. I was going to save it for later and I didn't have pockets so I went to what was next.

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