xscape | 4

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Chapter 4 | ✨

I was being released tomorrow and as much as I was ready to get out of here , I didn't have no where to go.

As usual I was laying on the bathroom floor trying to take a nap. This place was really taking a toll me.

I've gained weight and I just felt like I was always sick.


Mrs.Sullivan called me out the bathroom. There goes my nap.

I got up and looked at myself as usual. It became a routine while sleeping in the bathroom.

My hair had grown longer. My eyes where doing that freaky shit and changing colors. My weight gain was causing the clothes I was given to get tight.

The scars had finally healed from the fight and my vagina felt like it was back to normal. I still felt nasty though.

I sighed and walked out the bathroom.

"Come here , I have something for you." Mrs.Sullivan said.

I smiled and walked over to her. I sat in the chair across from her and brought my legs up to my chest.

"Here you go." She slid a bus ticket across the table to me.

"Whats this for ?"

"Its for you. Baby we far from the city and the only stop the hospital car will take you is the bus station. Your a pretty girl Nae , with a good head on your shoulders. You deserve to go out and make something of yourself."

I tried hiding the tears but they just cascaded down my face.

"Thank you Mrs.Sullivan. So much. I really appreciate you."

She also passed me an envelope and told me not to open it until I got to the bus station. I tucked the ticket and the envelope in my shorts pocket and went and got in my bed.

November 2 , 2015 | ✨

I was on my way to the bus station with nothing but the ticket , the envelope and the clothes on my back.

I had an oversized sweatshirt on and some jean shorts that stopped at my knees. I had a pair of black flip flops on and a black hat.

I was sitting in the passenger side of the hospitals car watching the hospital slowly fade away. I was leaving that place and never going back.

"Aye , Girl. We here. Get out." The lady driver spoke. I shook my head and hurriedly got out. She didn't have to tell me twice.

I looked around at all the people waiting for their buses. I felt myself wanting to cry. Where was I gonna go ? How was I gonna survive out here?

I took the ticket and envelope out my pocket.

The ticket told me I would be on bus 65 and I opened the envelope and pulled out two one hundred dollar bills.

I smiled and tucked the money in my pocket while throwing the envelope in the trash.

My bus had finally pulled in and I gave the bus driver my ticket and took a seat in the last seat on the bus.

I had to put my big girl panties on now. I was 18 and homeless but I had to make it. I was going to make it.

4 Hours Later | ✨

The bus had arrived at the station thirty minutes ago and I was still sitting there. The streets were busy with people walking and cars everywhere. I was scared. This was my reality and I was scared to face it.

It was almost time for the station to close so I picked myself up and left.

I walked the streets until I saw a hotel that was having a holiday sale. They was charging twenty five dollars a night.

I went in and paid for two nights. The lady gave me a key and I rode the elevator to the floor my room was on.

It wasn't extravagant but it wasn't run down either.

As I walked the hall looking for my room I bumped into a hard chest.

"Sorry." I said with my head down.

"Don't be sorry , be careful bitch." He said. I knew he wasn't from around here with that accent.

I turned around ready to slap him but I held my tongue. This nigga looked like a throwback pimp in his fedora and snakeskin suit and shoes. He had a cain and he held a pipe out his mouth.

"You a pretty young thang. What you doing here by yourself." He smiled and I wanted to throw up. He had to be at least fifty something with a mouth full of golds that looked like they were rusted.

"Its none of your business nigga." He disrespected me by calling me a bitch then gone try to hit on me. The fuck he thought this was ?

He walked up to me and stared me down. I held his gaze and before I could turn to walk away he slapped me.

I fell to the grown and cried. I got up and tried to fight him but he was to strong. He grabbed me by my throat and whispered in my ear.

"You disrespectful bitch. Do you know who the fuck I am?"

I shook my head no. He smirked and tightened his grip on my throat.

"Im muthafuckin King. You know what happens when you disrespect King ?"

I shook my head no again. Shit he was cutting off my airways and I knew I was turning purple from lack of oxygen.

"You gone pay bitch. You gone work for me until I feel you payed yo debt."

He let me go and dragged me by hair in the opposite direction. I was coughing trying to catch my breath.

He held a death grip on my little bun and the more I struggled to get loose the tighter he gripped my hair.

"Bitch be still." He spat and punched me in my face. I started hollering and screaming for help but it felt like nobody could hear me.

He let me go when we got to a room. 205. "Stacey , I got us a newbie. She working until I say so. Make her at home."

He threw on the couch as a girl walked from the back.

"Hey baby , you home early. You hungry ? Who's she?"

She said while fiddling with her nails. She looked like a crack head.

"Bitch I don't want shit you done cooked and I done told yo ass about asking me questions. Where the rest of the girls at?" He sat in the chair across from me while taking his hat off and continuing to puff from the pipe.

"My name is Nae." I spoke lowly.

She looked at me with wide eyes and walked back into the room. She spoke from in there. "They out on crenshaw tonight."

He shook his head and leaned forward.

"Bitch did I ask you to speak ? I don't give a fuck what your name is. Matter fact. Yo name ain't Nae no more hoe. You my new bitch. You look like a Desire. Yea that's yo new name."

I looked at him with my eyebrow cocked. "I'm nobody's hoe and my name is Nae."

I guess he was booty hurt cause he got up and slapped me.

"Bitch you gone learn to respect me." He took his belt off and I started panicking. I was praying to god he didn't rape me.

He didn't. He started beating me with the belt. I wailed out loud and cried. I tried running but he jerked me by my hair and kept on swinging.

I cried. And cried. And cried some more.

Why couldn't I have just kept walking ? Why couldn't I ever have a break?

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