Chapter Four-More scandal at Thorpe Hall

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Thorpe Hall,

Dublin, Ireland,


Thorpe Hall still thrived.

Or it seemed to thrive.

Lady Margaret Thorpe showed no mercy.

"Pray tell Gilles, is my sister ingratiating herself in Upper Society? Or thirsty for regal Queendom over me?".

"Such rudeness is unbecoming of a Queen-In-Waiting, M'Lady".

"It is incomparable to insolence".

"M'Lady, such behavior is...".

"And you let my sister marry a Irish Lawyer?".

"She did what is necessary at Thorpe Hall while you were distressed".

"I was not distressed Gilles".

"As you say M'Lady", and Gilles feigned a bow...and let his Lady rant on.


The chamber door opened.

"M'Queen, your daughter is married".

"Married! To whom?".

"Lord Thornton Forbes, a Lawyer".

"A Lawyer...she did this behind my back...".

"He and Lord Eamonn Richardson were here last night. Their carriage broke down. And Lady Emily took care of them". Gilles bowed.

"And why weren't we invited to this ceremony?".

"It was hastily arranged M'Queen".

"Am I to bleed my daughters of suitors across Ireland and Scotland. There's a war going on".

"War M'Queen".

"Aye. And we're at our political tether".

"That's why you haven't taken care of Thorpe Hall M'Queen".

"My husband is dead. It's time to re-marry".

"But not now".

"Soon, otherwise the blood line is gone".

And the Queen sighed, and wondered whether she had the fortitude to get through this latest scandal at Thorpe Hall.

Because, in the end, more problems could spell the end of the Thorpe Royal Dynasty.


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