Chapter 32

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Surprisingly enough, no one asked any questions.

The mysterious earthquake had thoroughly mystified the town, but after several outbreaks of unusual storms following soon after, the residents decided to just blame it on global warming and go on with their lives.

Levi wasn't really sure to whom or what he should be grateful for having Eren back. So he settled for simply never leaving the boy's side. And Eren didn't mind a single bit.

He couldn't really quite remember the next few days after Eren had gotten his legs back. All he could remember was Eren, Eren, Eren, and Eren.

They literally spent hours lying down together, Eren usually sitting on Levi's lap, running his fingers through Levi's hair, while Levi would wrap his arms around the boy's waist and lean over to place kisses on Eren's head and face until Eren was bright red in embarrassment.

Eventually, some questions were asked.

Levi was lying down on the couch, resting his head in Eren's lap. The brunet was happily stroking Levi's hair, the adoring expression in his eyes enough to match a lovestruck high school girl.

"By the way, Eren... who was that Mikasa girl?"

Eren blinked at Levi before pausing his petting to reach for his notebook.

My sister.

"Hmm..." Looking up at Eren, Levi lifted his hand to touch the former merman's cheek. "You guys don't look that much alike."

I know. We're not related by blood.

"Yeah. I could tell." Levi cupped his hand around Eren's face. "I think you're a lot prettier." Eren reddened immediately, and Levi had to chuckle at how easy it still was to rile the boy.

Pouting at Levi's amused expression, Eren began writing again.

Maybe one day we can visit Mikasa and my friends.

Flip. I can introduce you!

"Maybe not. She looked like she wanted to drag me down and drown me..." Levi muttered darkly.

Don't say that, Levi!

Flip. I'm sure you guys can become the best of friends!

"..." Levi jerked his gaze from Eren's notebook back to the said brunet, ready to give a retort, but the words died on his lips when Eren gave him a big grin, setting his notebook aside to rest his hand on Levi's.

Levi, Eren hesitantly mouthed, clutching the pale hand closer to his cheek. I... love... you.

Eren always resorted to mouthing words, Levi noticed, when he was about to say something he thought was important.

"I know." Levi stated in a fake tone of nonchalance, unable to resist a small smirk when Eren's eyebrows furrowed in indignation.

Before the brunette could retaliate, Levi hastily sat up, shifting off of Eren's lap so he could pull the former merman into his own instead. "I love you, too." Levi murmured against Eren's forehead, causing Eren to blush again.

"...Hey, Eren..." Eren tilted his head questioningly. "I think I like seeing you mouthing 'I love you' to me more than you writing it... do it again."

"!?" The brunette gave him the most horrified expression he could muster. "You don't want to?" Levi asked, landing another kiss on Eren's cheek. "For me?"

"..." Eren's subsequent glare was so stern and reminiscent of Levi's usual frown that the author had to let out another chuckle at the irony.

I... love you. Eren managed to mouth again before squeezing his eyes in embarrassment and jerking his face away from Levi.

Levi smiled gently as he easily brought their foreheads together again. "...Say it again."

I love you! His eyes still tightly shut, Eren moved his mouth as quick as he could. He was rewarded by a loving caress of his hair. "...Again." Levi whispered.

Sensing the absence of mirth in Levi's voice, Eren hesitantly met his gaze. ...I love you, Levi. I love you. So much... So m- The rest of his silent speech was cut off as Levi suddenly swooped down to kiss him.

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