Chapter 30

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don't know what's wrong with you today but I'll just keep going. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, some other shit-"


"In sickness and in health-" Still clueless about the entire situation, Levi clamped his arms around Eren again so the merman couldn't move away.

The water began swirling dangerously around them before suddenly turning into a miniature typhoon around them. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-"

"To love and to cherish-"

The typhoon got stronger-

"UNTIL WE FUCKING DIE!" Levi yelled the last bit, looking just as panicked as Eren but for entirely different reasons.

Miraculously, right after he said the words, the ocean suddenly calmed, leaving them drifting almost peacefully in the sea water.



"...that was painfully humiliating." Levi swore, hugging Eren tightly. "PLEASE never make me do that again, Eren."


"I mean it. I was so embarrassed there could have been a fucking typhoon behind me and I wouldn't have noticed." Levi glanced at Eren sullenly. " don't even seem that happy."

Eren finally embraced Levi back, still shocked about what had just happened. "I am just... surprised." The merman took a few wary seconds to ensure that no more dangers were approaching them before smiling brightly and kissing Levi on the cheek. "Thank you, Levi!"

"Whatever, brat." The man suddenly scooped Eren back up, the brunet letting out a small exclamation of surprise. "I'll be lugging you home now."

Eren pouted slightly. "When Levi says that, I feel so heavy."

"That's because you are."

"Hey-" Eren suddenly froze, his indignation turning to shock again.

Levi blinked down at him inquiringly. "Hmm? Eren? What's wrong now?"

Not responding, Eren just stared out farther into the water, his eyes wide in disbelief. "It can't be..."

Thoroughly confused, Levi glanced in the same direction.


The deeper water was a richer, darker blue, but it was still easy to see the dark shape that broke its surface silently.

"What the-"

Eren's hands slid off of Levi's neck in shock. "Mi... Mikasa?" He whispered quietly.

As if responding to his voice, the dark shape rose slightly, now easily identifiable as the head of a young woman, wisps of her black hair floating as sea water dripped from her fair, Oriental features. A gold circle on her head, she fixed her large dark eyes on Eren with an unreadable expression.

"" The merman began haltingly, as if he wasn't sure of what to say. "You've... you've become ruler, I see. A good thing for the merpeople."

Mikasa said nothing at first, not helping the already-easily-sensed tension in the air. If he looked hard enough, Levi was able to see the faint silhouette of a dark tail in the water.

"...Eren. You would have been a better choice." The mermaid's voice sounded as flat as her expression.

Eren's face twisted into a bitter smile again. "Don't talk nonsense. Of course I would not have been."

Mikasa simply continued to stare at him, her eyes now betraying a hint of emotion. "Why are you doing this? Talking in a language of humans as if it was your own? Risking your life to save one? Declaring that you love one? Would you really go with him, Eren? As a merman?"

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