Chapter 7

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Several hours later...

After Levi opened the door, Erwin gave him a brief nod before looking curiously behind him. "Levi, I heard-"

"There he is, the monster shrimp!" Hanji brightly popped up behind him. "Get him, police chief! Arrest this NEET for having sex with a-"

Levi rolled his eyes. "For the LAST fucking time, Hanji, NOTHING happened. He's mentally like a damn five-year-old and you know I don't go for that shit. Just look at him. He practically oozes smiles and rainbows and all that other crap..." He motioned towards Eren, who, sitting on the couch, smiled nervously and held up his notebook.

Hello! My name is Eren Yeager! It is nice to meet you!

Erwin returned the smile warmly, stepping inside and extending a hand towards the teenager. "Hello, Eren. My name is Erwin Smith. I'm the police chief of this town. It's nice to meet you-"

The blond was roughly pushed to the side as Hanji leapt forward, grasping both of Eren's hands eagerly, practically salivating in excitement. "It's a pleasure, a pleasure, Eren! I'm known as Dr. Zoe to the town, but you can just call me Dr. Hanji!"

A bit taken aback at Hanji's approach, the brunet nodded. He freed one of his hands to write on his notebook.

Chief Erwin and Dr. Hanji, are you Levis friends? Without waiting for a reply, Eren flipped to another page.

Levi says mean things, but hes still very kind! He carried me in from the beach and gave me a place to stay! He even taught me the right way to use a dinglehopper!

"Er... I beg your pardon?"

"Levi did WHAT?"

"Tch. Don't say anymore than necessary, you shitty brat."

Ignoring Levi's comment, Eren continued to write, a determined look on his face.

So, please dont think he did anything bad to me, Dr. Hanji.

Hanji stared at the notebook page before biting her lip and dancing in place like an insane fangirl. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! He's so CUUUUUUUUUUTE! Oh, Levi, I can now understand why you cuddled with him! I would h-"

BAM! A large, hard-cover book collided with the doctor's face, missing her glasses by a millimeter and effectively cutting off the rest of her squealing. "If there was any choice, I wouldn't let you near Eren for his own safety, but unfortunately, you're the only doctor in this damn town."

A loud barking from Bean prevented any further conversation as another large sheepdog nosed its way into Levi's living room.

"Oh! Sonny!" Hanji exclaimed, hurrying over to the sheepdog's side. "Forgive me! I was so distracted because of Eren that I forgot about you!"

"God damn it, Hanji, did you have to bring him!? That mutt's even worse than Bean!"

Eren's head darted back and forth between the two identical canines, before hurriedly scribbling in his notebook.

There are 2 Beans!

Hanji laughed. "No, Eren, this is Bean's brother, Sonny! They look a lot alike, but Sonny is a lot less energetic than Bean! Would you like to play with them?"

Eren bobbed his head up and down, already sliding off the couch towards the dogs.

"Not in the living room!" Levi quickly intervened, holding an arm out to stop the brunet. "If you have to play with those mutts, go to the kitchen! That place is easier to clean..."

Eren flashed him a dazzling smile before nodding and hobbling off with Bean and Sonny.

Levi raised an eyebrow as he went. "His walking's improved a lot..." He remarked to Erwin and Hanji once the brat had exited the living room.

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