10- The ugly truth or should I say lies

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Mackenzie's P.O.V.

me and Jake decided that we would carry on finding out about why, we found his Dad's wallet, and what it means, we would meet up every other day in that tree house place and try to find some clues, but for know back to school. It is Jacobs Birthday in a couple of days, and I still have not thought of a present to get him, mn I am so bad. It is a bit cold this morning so I am wearing a green pull on jumper that says 'WONDER'  and my beanie hat, It is 08:15am, I am going to meet Jacob at school early as usual, to catch up on some English work, mn I suck at English but I got Jake to help me.

Cleaner: Hello Mackenzie, you are early this morning, meeting your friend again? ( wiping the floor)

Mackenzie: er yh, Jacob, ganna do some Home work together

Cleaner: oh I saw him come in about 5 minuets ago, he is the boy with the curly hair,right?

Mackenzie: (smiling) the one and only

Cleaner: he went into the Library, but he is not alone

Mackenzie: thank you, Il better catch up with him then, ( runs to my locker)

I am putting my trainers and P.E. kit away in my locker wondering ( who is Jacob with at this time? this is our time, probably just a mate of his, maybe it's Marlow, them are always messing about doing boy stuff,  ....well what ever)

I walk casually to the library and I hear laughing  I stop outside the door, making sure no one see's me

Jacob: ha ha ,stop, your making laugh too much, I am ganna get a stomach ache

???: don't worry, if that happens, Il be here to make it ..........all better ( puts her hand on his knee)

I felt like punching that  bitch's face, it was Phoebe

Jacob: oh really? ( doesn't push her hand off his knee) and how would you do that? (giving her that goofy smile)

I felt my hands clenching to into fists, my face was burning, how could he? why is he carrying on flirting with her? why am I so Jealous? he is not even my boyfriend he can be with who ever he wants, but why her, that stupid hoe she is going to pay, I keep my anger inside, and carry on listening

Phoebe: ( moves closer to Jacob, puts her hand higher up his leg, and whispers in his ear) that's is for you and me to find out

Jacob's P.O.V.

Mackenzie is going to be here any minuet she is a bit late, I tried to start my work but when I came into the library, Mack's mate Phoebe was just standing there as if she was waiting for me, it was a bit freaky. She seam's nice, but she is going a bit too far with all the flirting, I am not the kind of guy who breaks girls hearts, but I have to break the ice, I am not interested in her, I just want Mackenzie, I wish she came in , cos this is getting very awkward,

Jacob: ( moves away from Phoebe) er, how can I say this ( blushing and scratching his hair) I am, not really( gets cut off)

Phoebe: oh, I am sorry, your already taken right, with Mackenzie ?

Jacob: I wish, well I need to do my home w(gets cut off)

Phoebe: (puts her hand on his shoulder) me and Mack are tight, and if she really fancied you she would have asked you out ages ago,

Jacob: ( looks a bit sad,) you think so?

Phoebe: totally, she does that to all the guys, everyone knows that she is a gold-digger

Jacob: oh, that's sucks, I was going to ask her out on my birthday, but if she does not feel the same way for me then (gets cut off)

omg, I cant believe that he is taking all of that girls shit!, and omg he feels the same way about me too, I feel so happy and pissed at the same time, I continue listening

Phoebe: about your birthday, you have any plans?

Jacob: well....er yh, I was ganna invite some of my mates, to go  watch a movie and go roller skating, and after have a sleepover at mine, it wont be the same without Mack and I wanted her to meet my mate from L.A. Chresanto and his girl they are coming over for the summer, ( looks down)

Phoebe: who said you cant invite Mack? she is still your friend right? so you live on Wanstead avenue, il be there, and I got  a little birthday surprise for you (gives him a hug, a really long hug) see you then don't want to disturb you from doing your work ( gets up purposely dropping her pencil on the floor)

Phoebe: oh my bad ( bends down making sure, Jacob can see her behind) see ya (flicks her hair and walks out)

Jacob's P.O.V.

That girl tries too hard mn, and who the hell invited her to my B-DAY, AND HOW DOES SHE KNOW WHERE I LIVE? stalker, like I have not got anymore problems in my life, I trusted Mack, I told her everything, for a moment I really thought I loved her, but I guess it is too good to be true

Phoebe, comes out of the library all happy, she see me standing in the corridor

Phoebe: well well well, who do we have here?

Mackenzie: I know what your up to bitch, I read your convo with Marcus

Phoebe: oh really! wow, I was not expecting that ( acts very sarcastic starts laughing)

Mackenzie: what's so funny? ( I was getting angrier by the second)

Phoebe: im guessing he didn't invite you to his b-day, plus who would want to invite a gold-digger anyway?

Mackenzie: ( I shove that fat ass bitch on the wall) if I see you any where near Jake, you pay  big time and I am serious

Phoebe: ooooooooooo im so scared, ( I was about to punch the lights out of that gal when the library door opened)

Jacob: your so scared of what? ( looking at Phoebe)

Mackenzie: oh Jacob, Im sorry that I'm late, I hade to go to the Pharmacy and pick up some prescriptions for Grandp( gets cut off)

Cleaner: oh hey Mackenzie again, sorry t interrupt but  your form tutor told me to tell you that he wants you to do some jobs for him, since he saw that you come really early in the morning


Mackenzie: er...( looking down) thanks Il go right away

Jacob: oh now I see, ( getting angry) your a liar and eavesdropper too huh!

Mackenzie: but Jake ( I  grab his tense arm)  

Jacob: don't Jake me Mackenzie! ( looks straight into my eyes) I guess you already heard about my B-day plans since you were standing out here for the past 10 minuets!, come if you want I don't care, ( a tear starts coming down his cheek) I thought you were different Mackenzie, I trusted you, and I even thought I loved you, (sniff) but who was I kidding, your the same as everyone else

Phoebe: come on Jake, don't cry for someone as low as her ( Jake burst's out in  tears Phoebe puts her arms around him)

Mackenzie: Jake don't believe that Bitch, she is lying Jacob! please, believe me ( Tears start rolling down my cheeks too)

Jacob: ( turns round and looks back at me) I don't know who to believe anymore

he walks away with phoebe, she gives me this look when he is not looking mn, I cant believe I used to call that devil my best mate, first period was going to start any minuet, but I cant stand to be in that bitch's presence, so I decide to bunk, I ran out of the school far, far away, past my house, past Jacobs until I reached the tree house, our tree house, and sat there and cried

In school.....

phoebe texting Marcus

Phoebe: the job is done

Marcus: already, it is not even first period?, how did you do it

Phoebe: ............I have my ways

comment and vote, there will be more drama btw

hope you liked it so far,

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