14- The revealed past

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Mackenzie's P.O.V.

Walking back home now and all I can think about is what is in the damn package. This is so confusing. The guy mentioned that he has a master which Jake knows really well, mn it could be any one, family, friends, teachers, anyone. He is obviously prepared and has done this type of thing before as he already put up wiring and other systems up in the places he meets us at. Omg maybe he knows how we look like because he has been watching us, watching us for some time, mn this is freaking me out, but at the same time you got to love an investigation, makes me feel like im on CSI.

I ring on the door bell, I quickly look at my phone, damn it is late might be in trouble. I hear Grandma coming down the corridor to the door, she looks concerned.

Mackenzie: hey, gran ( gives her a hug) sorry im late I had some after school club today I forgot to mention it to you  in the morning because I was kind of in a rush.

Gran: (sighs) do you seriously think im going to fall for that? ( kind of angry tone)

Mackenzie: ( kind of shocked and confused)  ok, ok, I was with Jacob, we are kind of busy these days, you know how it is ( blushing, remembering the kiss)

Gran: I don't want you seeing this Jacob lad anymore!

Mackenzie: WHAT! NO! you cant do that gran what has he done? nothing, he never harms me or anything, is it because he is Mexican? huh, tell me!!!!

Gran: ever since you met him all I hear is Jacob ,Jacob , you never study anymore like you used to but play that horrible music all the time, you always come back late, and I never get to see you, where do you two go anyway? I have every right to know, I don't want any thing to happen to you

Mackenzie: like I said, me and Jacob either go out or we are doing work together, ?( tears forming in my eyes) why cant you trust me?

Gran: No I will not trust you until you tell me the truth

Mackenzie: ( what is she talking about) what do you mean?

Gran: ( gets a brown wallet from her pocket and points at the picture of the little girl) I want to know where you got this picture from and why it is in this wallet, who's wallet is it anyway!

Mackenzie: gran, what does it matter who that girl is in the picture, me and Jake found it at the fair ground and we were going to return the wallet to the owner, that's all

Gran started to get angry. I could tell, her hands were in fists and her breathing became heavier

Gran: It does matter ( angry tone)

Gran:.....................................the girl in the photo is you, I have an identical picture in my purse, it is the first picture of you and before today I knew that I was the only person that had it, so I need to know who this wallet belongs to.

what? why would my picture be in Jacobs dad's wallet? I need to tell Jacob

Mackenzie: Gran............ I wish I could tell you what is going on but I cant I promise that I will eventually ok just give me some time

Gran: come and sit down, its not all your fault, I have something's to tell you

I sit down, my heart is beating so fast,  to be honest, I really did not want to know about my past or where my parents are or anything, but I have a feeling that today was 'The Day' I am so not ready for this

Gran: ( takes a sip of her tea) when your mother, Valentina was a young girl about your age, we were living in America L.A., she went missing. Her case went on the national news we were so desperate to find her, we did everything but unfortunately days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years and years became decades. ( tears ran down her cheeks) Untill the day the police stopped searching and announced her dead. I could not believe it, I just couldn't. I would go into her room look at all her things, and remember how she was. She was beautiful, juts like you darling. I wish she could see you today. Untill 10 yrears later a package came to my door. I remember that exact day September 23, it was a rainy day and I was not expecting a package. It was quite big, and it had a note on it saying,

'mother, I am still alive, don't worry about me, just take care of my child and give her the best life, and please for her own sake, just tell her that I am dead I don't want her to have any contact with me, Just tell her that I love her, with all my heart, my dear Mackenzie


On the note was a small picture, this picture of you, it is the only baby picture of you there is, and in the box was you, you were wrapped around in a towel, only a few days old, and from that day I promised my self I will take care of you no matter what, so we moved out here in London, but know you a seeing this boy you found this wallet, and I know you two are investigating and it has to stop. I gave my word to your mother that you will have no contact with her or find out where she is, and that is how it is going to stay do you understand

this was so much to take in, so im actually American? my mum is half way across the world, and does not want me, I cant see Jacob anymore, this is all too much. I started to cry.

Gran: darling I think its whats best ( rubs my back)

Mackenzie: NO! no it is not, I am going to find my mum if it is the last thing that I do

I got up stormed up stairs got some cloths for the sleep over and slammed the door.

the cold air hit my face as I went out In the night, my tears felt like they were going to turn into ice, There was a couple of people standing out side Jacobs house, from here I could not see who they were , I got closer

Phoebe: well, well well, look who finally showed up 

Mackenzie: I don't have time for your fucking as crap, ive got a life un like some people I know

Phoebe: what ever, I bet you didn't even get Jacob a present did you? ( looks me up and down)

shit, its Jakes birthday tomorrow!

Mackenzie: well, actually I did, and what I got him is between us ok, now move out of my way,

Phoebe :oh, so know your suggesting that you and Jake are together , mn I don't want to break the ice but girl he aint  interested  not with a body like that, ( laughs)  mn you got smaller boobs than my little brother

mn my body has always been my main insecurity, I know I don't have that much curves but Phoebe needs to look at her self, mn that girl got the most ugly ass weave anyone has seen, and her boobs look like their ganna explode, so if I were her, I would not speak twice about what Jacob is intrested in, because as far as I am concerned, Jacob kissed me, ok and I know he meant it

Mackenzie: aint nobody got time for this shit I got a boyfriend to go and see

I push her out the way and walk into his house

Jacob: hey mack, ( gives me a quick kiss)

Mackenzie: mn I missed you even thow it has only been a few hours, lol, wow, your house looks pretty great with all the decorations, so is the birthday boy excited?

Jacob: more excited than I'L ever be cos your sleeping over ( goffy smile)

puts his hands on my waist and tries to reach for my butt, but I stop him

Mackenzie: hey, not just yet, (smilling)

Jacob: ( blushes) sorry, just need to control my self,  you really look awesome tonight 

Im wearing a mini shorts and tights, with a crop top and beanie hat

Mackenzie: you don't look too bad your self, Papi

Jacob: as cute as that nick name is, I would prefer it if you called me Jacob just when my mums around

Mackenzie: aww, Papi is getting embarrassed infront of his mummy, ha ha

Jacob: ( rolls his eyes and laughs) come and meet my mate Chresanto, he is just in the living room

we went in the living room and no one was there


what  was that?


Authors note: sorry, for not updating in a while , I was just hopping for more comments, but yh tell me what you think

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