5- Do you wanna go on a second date?

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Dear diary,

three weeks have passed since my first awkward encounter with Jacob in subway, and since then we really got to get to know each other. He is so articulate and good with words, he could come up with whole poetic verses for our song we are writing together, I feel we might come 1st place. He writes the lyrics and I help out a bit  and we both harmonise with each other when we sing, he plays piano too, how amazing is that! we have quite a lot in common, we are both, full punk rock lovers, he loves nature, so do I, His favourite lesson is English ,mine is art, but I love English two. There was one moment yesterday, where I was singing and when I finished he just stared at me and I did the same. I was observing every perfect part of his face, starting from his hair, to his lips. He is so beautiful. The silence was not awkward at all because I could feel our souls in the air colliding. It felt magical. Then he looked away shyly down at the piano and apologised. I never seen a boy with such manners, he apologises for doing nothing hardly but feeling the same way I feel, love, I think.

I came to school really early today, to meet with Jacob, to practice our song, 'Your my living piece of Art' it's coming out really good. I am wearing short's and a floral top with an owls necklace and green shades ( green shades). I come into school it is really quiet just how I like it. 45.46, ......number 47, Opened my locker to put my science and maths text books in and my coat, when a note falls out

Roses are red

violets are blue,

so is the Ocean

It remind me of you,

Come to a Fair ground with me,

Friday late after-noon,

It is ok if you have other plans,

It is all up to you


omg was he asking me on a second official date? I cant believe it, I feel like screaming right now, I think on Friday is when Il tell him how I feel, deep in side, not just how I love him, but how I feel sparks in my body when he touches me, and how at home I spend endless hours drawing portrait's after portrait's of his extraordinarily beautiful face, and how every night I dream of him, his earthly smell, and the same goofy smile that lightens up my world. That is what I want him to know, but only at the right moment

I walk in the music room, he is playing the piano chords of our song. He is wearing a 'Guns and Roses' vest top ( love that  band) , showing off his biceps. I was literally melting inside. He looked so strong.

Mackenzie: I got your note, mn I think we have similar thoughts because I so wanted to ask you to the fair as well cos the misfits are playing. ( I sit down next to him getting our lyrics out)

Jacob: Ha ha, I think il take that as a yes, ( he is smilling at me)

Mackenzie:  a Yes, no it is an of courses, defiantly, 100%, I would love too go! ( I was jumping up and down)

Jacob: ( goofy smile) you look so cute when you are excited, Mackenzie

Mackenzie: I could say the exact same to you too, so lets get started on the song



Everyday is like a blank canvas

You know you can paint it anyway you want it

You can draw black clouds, you can make the sun shine

Colour in a rainbow, or use black and white

Open up your eyes and, your imagination


Every night’s like looking at a dark screen

You’re never too young or too old to dream

You can make your fantasies into a reality

Cause you’re creating your own masterpiece

Close your eyes and dream it, seeing is believing


Open your eyes until you see, what I see in front of me                                              

A beautiful soul, adventurous and free

Not afraid of who they want to be

Let me tell you what I see in my heart

I saw you this way from the very start

what you are to me is a

living piece of art

we were both standing up together holding hands, he was staring at me the way he always does and so was I. Till this very day I still treasure that moment, nothing can compare to amount of passion I felt.

I started to cry

Jacob: Why are you crying, ( his face inches away from mine)

Mackenzie: I am so happy, right in this moment, standing here with you holding my hand, ....(sniff)... I have had a really horrible past with my family, and it has been many many years since I have ever felt this happy..........(in a whisper) thank you ( I look up at him, he is not smiling)

Jacob: your welcome, ( he pulls me into a deep, soothing hug, my head was on his shoulder and I could smell the woody smell of his hair, tickling my noes. My hand was placed on his chest and I could feel his heart beat. For that second I felt safe, I felt secure, I didn't care about anything else in the world, but for the boy that stands before me.

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