2.7 - Trainees Ft. BTS

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"You need to tell her." Riley said sternly. He stood over his father on the hospital bed. This is Riley, Rin's older brother. He's been in college for the past five years. He was currently in Columbia University, his first year in the medical wing as a medical school student. He hasn't talked to his sister since their argument, not even a text but he kept tabs on her through Instagram. He smiled every time she posted a silly selfie because he was happy she was having fun but that lingering feeling of her failing did not fade from his mind. Riley had blonde hair like his sister and blue eyes but... you wouldn't believe they were related if they stood next to each other. Rin looked more like their mother minus the black hair while Riley looked more Caucasian. His father laid on the hospital bed, breathing through two small tubes in his nose. His father opened his eyes and Riley was stricken on the way his father's eyes looked; no longer a bright blue but faded and gray. His father shook his head.

"I still have some fighting left in me." His father croaked. Riley 'tsk'ed.

"Don't sell me that bull crap..." Riley said quietly. His father's smile did not falter though.

"Let the girl live out her dream. She's been through a lot of pain for her lifetime."

"So has everyone on this planet..." Riley commented back. He wanted to tell Rin about their father's condition but didn't under the request of his father and the fact that they weren't on speaking terms.

"Please..." Riley groaned again but obeyed.

"Fine..." He said, leaning off the wall and beginning to make his way to the door slowly. He stopped at the doorway. "But if something happens to you, I'm not to blame for her broken heart." He left. His father nodded his head and looked up at the window, observing the clouds floating the blue sky.

"Oh dear, they have grown to be quite strong." He smiled, appearing as if he was talking to himself when in actuality, he was speaking to a wife that was no longer with him. "You would have really loved them." He then looked up at the time and saw the clock moving to eleven-am. It was almost time for Rin to skype him. He has already thought of an excuse to tell Rin if she notices him at the hospital. It wasn't that he wanted to lie to her, just that he wants her to focus on her dreams. He has always watched her perform since she was a baby, but never putting it all out there. He would hear her sing on stage but when she sang at home... she was on a whole different level. He didn't want to hold her back, knowing full well how important living out your dream was. He had a laptop on his lap with skype opened, waiting for her call. Just as he was thinking about it, it rang the usual skype ringtone and her face popped it. It was a baby picture with her and her mother. He smiled before answering.


"Sunbae!" Jin said, quickly bowing to him. He saw that Namjoon was with six other guys, probably from his band.

"OMG! Is that Bangtan Boys!?" Jennie yelled, shocked.

"Ssssh! You wanna blow their cover!" Katie hissed. Jennie apologetically smiled at the boys. All the trainees bowed at them and Bangtan bowed slightly back at them.

"Hyung, you know them?" Jimin asked Namjoon. Namjoon nodded.

"This is Rin's roommate." Jimin said.

"OMO!? She stays with a boy!?" Yoongi asked, shocked that they even allowed this in Korea.

"We can room with a girl?" Jungkook asks Hoseok in a whisper. Hoseok leaned towards him.

"No way. Our fans would go crazy." Hoseok answered. Jimin's face went into an 'o' while Tahyung just watched the two talk.

"It's a little unorthodox but it isn't uncommon in America." Jaewon said, knowing how the two felt for each other, of course that doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous sometimes.

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