Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (James's POV)

"Give it to me!" Jared laughed and continued to try to get on top of me. Spinning quickly, I turned to run down the hall- only to meet the floor with my face.

"Owe! No!!" I yelled and turned us over, so I was on top. "What," I took a deep breath as my eyes met his, "Now?" I let out and fell over next to him.

"Let's go now." He said as he looked over at me. Out of nowhere, he leaned over and planted a hot, deep, passionate kiss on my wet lips before hopping up and rushing to my room to grab my keys. I stayed laying on the floor where he left me.

"Are you okay?" He smirked down at me and I jumped up. I stood about two centimeters away from his own face and licked my lips lightly. He caught his breath then leaned in and kissed me as passionately as before- if not more. Pulling my body closer to his, he kissed me as hard and hot as he could. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and wrestled with mine for dominance. He won. After about five minutes, he pulled away so he could breath.

"You like me, don't you? As more than a friend." He whispered and my breath caught in my throat. Could it be the time to tell him? Could I finally be truthful? I hope so.

"I-" Just as I started to tell him, the house phone and his cell phone rang. How damn great! I gave him a flat look and walked off to the kitchen to grab the house phone. It wasn't anybody I knew so I hung it back up. I heard voices from the hallway and walked back to Jared. He had put his phone on speaker.

"Forget about him! Just come hang out with me." Sabrina's voice pouted from the other line. I took a breath and watched irritation spread across Jared's face.

"Damnit, Sabrina. Recently, you have been getting clingy. Really clingy. It's like you think I'm just going to disappear or something if I'm not always with you." He hissed, shooting me a look.

"But, Jar-Bear! I haven't hung out with you in forever!" She pouted. Jared's eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath before replying.

"I swear, Sabrina. I am only trying to spend some quality time with my best friend. I never hang out with him anymore! You can't possibly want me to-" Jared was cut off by Courtney's hissing sound.

"No. You listen here, Jared. I don't give a fuck about your little, gay as fuck, friend. I don't want you spending any more time with him. You either stop it- whatever the hell 'it' may be- with him or we are DONE." She hissed and sneered at the same time. My eyes started to sting with tears, in fear that he would choose her over me. I mean, she can give him everything I can't and they have been together for three years now. Why would he throw away a perfectly good relationship over his best friend? I swallowed, then turned to walk away.

"I choose him. Sorry, Sabrina. It's over." Jared whispered and hung up the phone. I froze- along with my breath- in place. Not able to turn and face him, I listened to his words.

"You didn't actually think I would choose her, did you?" He asked, astounded, behind me. I felt his hand softly brush against my back and I suppressed the shiver. "And don't stop that shiver." He warned, as my eyes widened. He knew I was about to... How? I let go and the shiver ran down my spine.

"I-" I started to explain everything, but he stopped me.

"Really? How could you honestly believe I would choose her over you? You really doubted our friendship that much?" He asked, obviously hurt. I swallowed again, still unable to turn around.

"No." I whispered huskily.

"Are you alright?" He whispered into my ear. This isn't how friends act around each other. This isn't how we should be.

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