Chapter 1: Reid

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Chapter 1

"Reid!" Morgan yelled once again.

Morgan ran into the firey building with his coat over his mouth and nose.

Suddenly the medics came rushing in,"sir, you must go."

"Find Doctor Reid" Morgan whimpered before being pushed out of the building.

"Miss?" Morgan asked a firewoman,"did you find a Doctor Reid?"

"Sorry sir, but only 9 people survived there in critical condition", the firewoman said.

"Can you tell me what Doctor Reid looked like, or what he was even wairing?" the firewoman said.

"Eh.....em...I think a grey shirt with stripes, maybe black converse runners?" Morgan asked himself.

"Ok. Thank you sir we'll do everything we can to find Doctor Reid" she smiled quickly before running off.

1 hour later:

"Morgan!" Emily yelled running up behind Morgan with the team.

"Did they find Reid?" J.J cried.

"Nothing so far, 9 survived, one died on the way to the hospital" Morgan explained.

"He'll be ok, he'll be ok" Garcia said the mantra over and over again.

"I think I knew who did this Hotch?" Morgan took a guess.

"Who?" Hotch started looking serious again.

"William" Morgan said.

"Oh god he's right" Rossi yelped.

"He escaped from prison 4 hours ago. I think you'd need more time to set up a bomb" Hotch said.

"He's right. But, what if William had a friend?" Emily suggested.

"Garcia-" Hotch was interrupted.

"Already on it sir" Garcia ran over to the car Rossi following to drive her back to the BAU.

"I hope you're not right, Morgan" Hotch quickly whispered.

"Let's go to the hospital, to see if any of the survivors were Reid" Hotch said.

"Alright" J.J still cried.

When they got to the hospital they asked all the nurses and doctors if anyone named Doctor Reid was here and they all said no.

But then they got to the last one.

"Sorry agents. But a lot of people got a ancinerated" the doctor explained.

Morgan started tearing up,"He can't be dead."

J.J burst into tears along with Emily.

Hotch let out a little tear and quickly wiped it away.

"I'm sorry. Now if you excuse me" the doctor said before walking away.

"Hey Garcia. What ya got?" J.J asked.

"The bomber named Xodus escaped a week before William did" Garcia told all of them.

"Ok thanks Garcia" J.J said hanging up.

"So....Reid's dead!" Morgan snuffled.


Hi guys, this book two of Spencer Reid: Taken. Thank you for all your support on my last book. I hope you like the start of this book.

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