Chapter 14: In The Hospital Room

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Chapter 14

"Hey Pretty Boy, you're awake", Morgan smiled at Reid.

"W-what happened?" Reid rubbed his eyes.

"Don't you remember?" Morgan wasn't too serious.

"Eh, last thing I remember was Emily came in. She got knocked out and then so did Garcia and I?", Reid scratched his head.

"Em, Pretty Boy...Emily had to shoot Xodus and William", Morgan hesitatly said.

" he dead?" Reid flinched.

"Fortunately yes", Morgan gave Reid a look of desperation.

"Is Garcia fine?", Reid kept shooting questions at Morgan.

"Ha don't worry she is", Morgan chuckled.

"What! How can you laugh at that! She's dead and you're laughing!", Reid cried.

"What? No? She's alive and good", Morgan jumped up and gave Reid a little shake.

"Huuu. God! Don't ever scare me like that!", Reid gave Morgan a little slap.

"How long have I been out?" Reid shot out another question.

"About 3 days", Morgan put up three fingers.

"What about Tori?" Reid nudged.

"She's well as well, thank god", Morgan sat back down.

"How is that good?", Reid asked very confused.

"Ehhhhh, how could it not be good?", Morgan made a weird look.

"She was with William and Xodus. She bet me as well....and it hurt", Reid quickly said.

"Reid. When we got there she was hovering in a corner. Also Garcia herself said most of the time she was in the corner", Morgan heartily said.

"Did she not ever wonder where she was the oder times?" Reid worryingly asked.

"She was beat-" Morgan started but Reid butted in.

"Defensive wounds!" Reid practically yelled.

"Look Reid, your brain is a bit all over the place at the moment. Tori is good", Morgan was starting to believe Reid's words.

"Morgan I would never lie like this. You know that", Reid pleaded.

Before Morgan could answer everyone else walked into the room.

"Don't", Morgan leant over, whispered into Reid's ear.

Reid let out a breath and nodded.

"Why didn't you call us?", Garcia moaned.

"Sorry Baby Girl, but Bro talk", Morgan grinned.

"How you feeling Spence?", J.J leaned in and hugged Reid.

"Eh I've been better", Reid joked.

"Emily..erm...thank you", Reid smiled.

"Don't worry about it", Emily leaned in and hugged.

"Hey. You definitely ok?" Reid asked Garcia.

"Better then you", Garcia squeezed Reid.

Rossi and Hotch just shook hand with Reid.

"It's good to be back", Reid's lip quivered.

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