Chapter 13: Death

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Chapter 13

...they expected to see Emily dead. They were wrong.

"Emily!", J.J ran over to Emily.

"Reid!", Rossi ran over to Reid.

"Garcia", Hotch ran over to Garcia.

Morgan just stood there looking at the frightened girl in the corner of the room.

"Emily you ok?", J.J asked once Emily got up.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good. I had to shoot them both", Emily whispered to J.J.

After Rossi unchained Reid he collapsed on the floor.

"Quick medics!", Rossi sat Reid up and walked over to William who was lying on the floor.

He then walked over to Xodus, Xodus was also lying down.

"They're both gone", Rossi stood back up.

Morgan finally snapped out of his gaze.

"Baby Girl, are you ok?", Morgan squeezed Garcia.

"I-I I'm f-fine. Is R-Reid alright?" Garcia was more concerned about Reid then herself.

"He's not as badly hurt a few minor injuries", Rossi explained.

"T-Tori was here. Is sh-she still here?" Morgan helped Garcia stand up straight.

"Tori come out we won't hurt you", Hotch slowly walked to the corner of the room.

"Ok. Thank you sir", Tori thanked Hotch.

"Come with me", Hotch helped her out.

"Baby Girl, is Tori with them or not?" Morgan asked Garcia.

"I have n-no clue. She was always trembling in the corner. But sometimes she would be gone", Garcia answered Morgan's question.

Just then the medics came rushing in taking Reid up in a stretcher and taking Garcia into an ambulance.

"They're both ok", J.J said to Morgan.

"Morgan I'm sorry, for everything", J.J patted Morgan's shoulder.

"As long as they're fine", Morgan smiled at J.J.

"Thanks", J.J hugged Morgan, and Morgan hugged her back.

"C'mon you two we're going to the hospital", Rossi hopped in the drivers seat.

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