Chapter 17: Proof

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Chapter 17

"FBI can I see your security footage of room 12b?" Morgan asked the nurse at the front desk.

"Sorry sir, but that information is confidential", the nurse said as polity as possible.

"Unless you want to be the reason the FBI can't track down a killer I suggest you give the security footage to me", Morgan clenched his fist.

"I'm very sorry sir, but I can't", the nurse began before Hotch walked over.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"I need the security footage for Reid's room", Morgan scratched his arm.

"Why?" asked Hotch.

"If I get you'll find out", Morgan said.

"Well ms we need it", Hotch said.

"I'm s-" she started but was interrupted.

"We'll get a werint!" Hotch stamped his foot.

"Alright sir", the nurse said quickly, "Right this way."

The nurse lead them to the room and left.

"Which is Reid's?" Morgan asked himself.

"And how do you work this?" Hotch looked at Morgan and Morgan looked at him.

"Garcia", they both said at the same time.

"I'll get her, you wait here" Hotch jogged out.

"In here Garcia", Hotch opened the door for Garcia.

"Baby Girl we're doing-." "I know already Hotch told me. I just kinda hope you and Reid haven't lost offence", Garcia sat down.

It took a few seconds for Garcia to get it, "Here we are."

They played the video and watched it until it was over.

The first thing Hotch said when it was over was, "get the others."

Emily, Rossi and J.J came in.

"What is it now?" Emily moaned.

"All of you watch this."

The video ended with everyone in shock, that Morgan and Reid were right.

"I'm sorry Big Black 12 Pack", Garcia squeezed in for a hug.

"Go apologise to Reid as well missie", Morgan and Garcia walked out.

"Emily you and J.J go to Tori's house. Rossi you got to her given apartment, and I'll go to the airport", Hotch ordered.

"Morgan!" Hotch waved to Morgan.

"You and Garcia stay here and stay with Reid 24\7. Cappishee?" Hotch said.

"Cappishee" Morgan said giving the thumbs up.

"Good. Ills see you tonight", Hotch waved goodbye.

"Looks like me and Garcia get to stay over Pretty Boy", Morgan grinned.

"Aw no", Reid through his head on his pillow.

"Don't worry Garcia won't annoy you...I will", Morgan joked.

"Don't we know", Garcia laughed.

"Let's just hope Tori's caught", Reid sighed.

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