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Once upon a time... but who the hell cares about that time? Monsters and humans lived in one world they lived together in a big society. Monsters helped humans and humans helped monsters. But... Every year there was more fear in humans heart. They feared from monsters, they feared that monsters will kill the human race. Till one day the great creator had enough and forbidden the monsters to stay in Glacia. The only place they could stay was far away where they were. The place was called Fajra. So the monsters started they journey to Fajra with the destroyers. Many monster kinds died out because of this journey. It was too harsh for them at those times. But, there was 1 monster kind that died out for a different reason. It was because they were killing each other. They were the assassins from which humans feared. Monsters that killed even their own friends, comrades and even other monsters. Yes, such monsters called ,,The Overlords''. They had sharp eyes, a dark armour that couldn't be broken, they had big iron-like gloves that had dragonlike claws and was strong as the destruction itself and the worst part were... those horns. An Overlords horns were as long as their ranks height. And let's don't forget their black eyes with many variants of colors. Their common hair colors are dark, but rarer ones have more brighter colors and some of them look familiar to the Alblords. Alblord is created from ,,albino''. They have white hair and red eye colors with black sclera. Overlords were scary because of their horns mostly. It was used to single stab the heart or the head of their target. They didn't know the word ,,Mercy''. And if they had a target, then they didn't stop to hunt it till it wasn't dead.

After so many years humans lived in peace. Till the day when an old woman asked the young one for a piece of bread. The young one was called Ookami Jennyfer. Strange name isn't it? But let's just continue. When the old woman asked her, she gave her they whole bread without any hesitation. The old woman said her with a quiet voice ,, Find the pool of the merciless fairies''. After that she disappeard like a silhouette. Jenny was a little confused about those words. She thought it was just a joke. But, after a little while of thinking she heard a deep manly voice ,,If you want to find out who you are, then you should go''. She got excited by those words. She ran home and said herself that maybe this will be her only chance to find something interesting in this peaceful world. When she was already home, she took her wallet and counted how much honey she got. It wasn't too much so she said ,,Hell I don't care, I go then without money. Who the hell needs it anyway on a journey!''. After that she then took a bath and went to sleep so she could start already the next day her journey.

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