Entry 9

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Tossing and turning, I was deep in sleep. I dreamt of the trials that I was to face in the upcoming weeks. Hellish nightmares of Rancors and force-predators. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I fell deeper and deeper into my own mortal terror. Then, I realized that I was actually falling. I opened my eyes to see a mountain wall zooming past my face. I whirled around looking for something to grab to slow my fall, to no avail. I saw in the dim light I had that I was falling into a lake. Swallowing my fear, I shifted my body into a diving position to break the water. Despite this, upon splashing into the cool water my fingers felt crushed. In agony I swam with all my strength to the shore. As I crawled onto land, I laid on my back and curled up in reflex.

After what felt like an eternity, my fingers went from acute to dull pain. I checked my belt for my lightsaber where I always kept it. Master Nycomé always says, "A Jedi is married to their lightsaber. It is more valuable than your own life." So it was to my shock when I found my belt buckle empty of a weapon. A loud sigh escaped my mouth.

"Well," I thought, "Sith's blood!"

Without another second to breath, I was attacked by a feline, force predator, who undoubtedly sensed my presence during my fall. As the beast lunged at me I rolled onto my back and kicked the cat's underside, launching it into the lake. These force predators have a significant force wall, so rag-dolling one isn't recommended. So instead of that, I used the Force to lift a large boulder and smash it into the predator.

I sloped back down and took deep breaths. I then checked for everything I had on me. To my dismay, all I had on me were my clothes. Hopeless, I began pondering my predicament.

"Well," I thought, "I still have the Force." I picked myself up and began navigating through the dense jungle. I reached out in the Force to feel for any other life form, to which I sensed none.
"Strange," I thought. Even Master Nycomé's presence in the force was blocked. I looked up into the trees and saw a small yellowish reptile. I had heard of these things from Master Nycomé. They apparently are able to block force sense, making themselves elusive to the force-sensitive predators. They also can camouflage someone wishing not to be sensed. Being as I had a better chance of survival with the lizards, I followed them as the moved along the ginormous trees. I found my stamina training really useful here. Force -augmented acrobatics were my best friend as I swung through the branches.

After an hour or two of silently following the reptiles, I saw black robed figures along with imperial soldiers traversing through the jungle below. Because of my scaly friends, I could not sense their presence in the Force. It then dawned on me that this could very possibly be the Trials my mastered had mentioned. Regardless, I was alone and disarmed, and I could spot from my vantage point that my new "friends" had lightsabers. I avoided them and used telekinesis to lead them down a false trail

I took a while to gather myself. I easily hunted and killed a small rodent for my breakfast. After my stomach was satisfied, I thought of my battle strategy against my opponents. They outnumbered me eight to one, so a straight confrontation wouldn't be profitable. No, if I had a chance it would be to pick them off, one by one. But then there comes the matter of a weapon.

I found a crystal cave a little ways off of where I ate my lunch. Inside I grabbed the what looked like the most functional crystal. It had an orange tint to it, like a sunset. Outside the cave I found a piece of glass for a focusing lens. The only problem was that the glass was fragmented, meaning that the blade may not be consistent in thickness. I also found a hollow limb from a dead tree that would serve nicely as a hilt. The only thing I was missing was a power cell, which I had an idea for.

I found the search party, and singled out one of the soldiers. Being a former smuggler and often exchanging blaster bolts with imperial soldiers, I know that they keep an extra power cell in the back compartment of their utility belt. So I used the Force to subtly take his extra power cell. After many beads of sweat, I retrieved the final lightsaber part and assembled my new weapon. As I predicted, my blade was inconsistent, but it was all I needed to take take the first one out.

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