Chapter 7: May you find warm sands....or bloody rags?

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Well i talked a plan over with optimus and we wee ready to go. he busted through the barn, me on his shoulder and yelled," HERE I AM! COME AND GET ME!!" i smirked and did the signal to put me down. optimus did a barrel roll taking and letting me hop off. Everything was happening in slow motion, as the gunfire went on. I shot killing some of the agents and i looked around for Drift. "GO CADE RUN, THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU!!" Optimus yelled and Drift pulled up. i got into his alt mode and so did max. He drove off and left the others with optimus. he didnt see optimus though. 

It was an erie silence as we drove through the warm sands of Texas. Drift told me that there were 3 other bots out here, that he was to meet up with them to wait for their leader. "So what happened back there, at your fathers?" he asked. Damn it, i was hoping he wouldnt ask that. I sighed and looked out the tinted window,"Well my dad found another of yall, his name Optimus Prime. And then those FBI people who worked for operation Black Flag...has a cybertronian ally. i looked into it hacking while i was hidden with Optimus and his name was lockdown. Pluuuuus they blew up the house I grew up in."  i ended the conversation there cause the memories of the wars i fought kept coming into my vison. it was night and we stopped, and i looked around exiting that alt mode. Looking to the moon i knew that my, our lives, world was only getting worse. Only time could show how to handle the problems.



~ Sam Warner Joanicka

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