Chapter 1 - Family love

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Well hello there👋 I'm Ash short for Ashley ..... and this is my first ever story. Yes there will be errors throughout the book but I'm working hard to correct the mistakes I've made so that my readers can also enjoy.... anywayyyyyyyy I really hope that you do enjoy the book. So until next time....Byeeeeee!


"Omg can you just shut up" I yelled at my best friend Rose as I started to laugh

"No! You just want me to shut up because you know what I'm saying is true. You had a crush on James" she said jumping up and down in a very childish voice.

" I never had a crush on him and I never will. He is not my type. He's too nerdy".

"Liar!!!!!!" Rose shouted

Rose was totally right. I did have a small crush on James and he wasn't all that nerdy. He was super cute and funny. And the weird thing was that I think he liked me back. James Stewart is the tall, cute, smart guy in my grade that stole my heart ever since we were kids when he asked to borrow my pencil in 1st grade. I don't know how Rose figured that out because I made sure I was very cautious not to mention him a lot but nothing gets past Rose.

"Rose can we just never talk about this ever again" I begged

"Okay okay" she said giving me a wink.

"Let's talk about you now" I said with a sly smile on my face." Liam is talking about you a lot and its getting annoying. Day and night he's in my room asking about you but still he hasn't had the courage to ask you out yet. You need to tell him how you feel".

Liam is my twin brother and we are super close. There isn't anything we don't tell each other. He even knew about my small crush on James.

"Lilly it's time for you to shut up now" Rose said playfully. "I like him but every time he speaks to me I get nervous an-"

Rose got cut off by a freshly showered Liam only wearing his towel around his waist. Rose's face was stuck on his abs and mine was stuck on his face giving him the get the hell out of here before I kill you look. After what felt like 12 hours of a stare off he finally got the message and walked away.

"What was that" I asked Rose while shutting my bedroom door. You were totally checking him out right in front of me!!!!!"

I met the eyes of Rose and I saw that she was crying. Why? What did I say?

I rushed over to her" what's wrong?"

"He*gasp* came in *gasp* and didn't * gasp*even say hello".

What? That's why she was crying?

I tried to hold my laughter but this was all too funny. That's why she was crying? because he didn't say hello?. It was all too much and I fell on the floor holding my stomach laughing. When I was finished I looked up to the face of a very angry Rose. I straightened up and tried apologizing to her but she just stormed out of my room.

Me: hey Rose I'm really sorry :(

Rose: I'm not speaking to you

Me: yes you are, your doing it right now

Rose: don't play smart with me

Me: when ever do I play smart?

Rose: lmao its true, you don't

"Lilyanna Rachel Patterson there will be no texting at the dinner table" my dad said sternly making me drop my phone in my dinner.

"Ughhhh dad look what you did" I said with a very annoyed attitude trying to get my phone out of my spaghetti.

"Don't talk to your father in that tone" my mom said looking up from her phone

"Yeah lilyanna Rachel Patterson don't talk to your father that way" my 14 year old brother Lyell said mimicking my mother's voice.

My family knew how much I hated my full name yet they still used it to torment me.

"But mom your using your phone at the table" I said in a small voice

"Yes that's because it's business"she said not even looking up from her phone

"I'm going to take a walk outside the house" I said as I got up

Our house was in a very unique area we only had like eight neighbors which could be a good thing and a bad thing. We had a very big yard and garden and I loved to just walk around and think.

"I'm coming with you" Liam said getting up as well

sometimes I think my house is too big because I look at a lot of lifetime movies and I have to say that I've seen persons that own big houses good things never happen to them, the either get killed, kidnapped or the house is haunted

"What you thinking bout?"Liam asked poking my side

"I'm thinking about me being killed or kidnapped because our house is too big" I said

"Wow that's deep" he says laughing

"Hey how come you didn't tell Rose hi this evening?" I asked

"I was going to but you were giving me the look" he said in a serious tone

"What look!!?" I asked alarmed

"The get the hell out of here look"

"Ohhhh that look,I'm sorry.
Why can't you just ask her out though? I mean you guys would make a great couple" I said giving him a wink.

"It's not that easy lilly. It has to be the right time" he said sighing

"Yeah yeah I know. After walking back to the front of the house I remembered that I had homework that I didn't do "Oh shit" I half shouted while smacking my forehead

"What?" Liam screamed with his hands balled up into fists

He was always the protective type so if anyone was in trouble he was ready to fight for them no matter who it is

" I forgot we had maths homework" I said shaking my head in shame

"ARE YOU SERIOUS LILLY?" Liam shouted. "I thought I asked you to tell me every homework we had"

"Well if I'm now remembering how would I have told you. You need to listen more in class Liamoné Rakeme Patterson I can't always be the one you have to depend on" he hated his name more than I hated mine and I am glad for that because I didn't want to be the only one with the crazy names.

"Don't call me that ever again lilyanna Rachela Patterson" he said with a devilish smile on his face.

"Don't tell me what to do because I'm older" I said sticking out my tongue

"Yeah by 5 minutes" he said also sticking out his tongue

"You guys look like a bunch of babies" Lyell said clapping his hands and smiling at us.

"Shut up Lyell" me and Liam said in sync

Lyell had this hurt look on his face while holding his heart "how dare you, I am so hurt" he said, he is also very dramatic. His phone started to ring and I grabbed it from him but I wish I hadn't because on the screen was a picture of him and his girlfriend Kylie kissing. that was so gross I quickly showed it to Liam who gave a quick gag sign and I handed it back to Lyell. He then walked away from us.

"How is it possible that he has a girlfriend before me?" Liam asked laughing

"You can if you would just ask Rose out" I said under my breath thinking no one heard

"Maybe because I'm a lady's man" Lyell said in a smooth voice

"A lady's man"? My parents said together walking outside to meet us hand in hand

We all then started to laugh like a bunch of mentally ill people.

A/N: this is my very first book I'm writing. hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please vote and comment( something nice(:) I'll update very soon

With love

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