Chapter 5 - Set

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"So...... Why are you staring at me like that?" Liam asked me." Hey!! earth to Lilly"

"Huh? sorry. I was just thinking" I say getting up from my chair

Liam gets up and started walking besides me"About.......?"

"I don't want to talk about it" I said running to my room and locking the door. I slid down the back of my door with my head in my palms and started to cry. Why was I crying? I started humming rise up by Adria Day, the song I sing everytime I'm down

"Lilly open up" Liam said pounding on the door

I didn't respond

"Come on let me in, I'm your best bro"

Still no response

"I'll rise up, rise like the day, I'll rise up in spite of the ache....I'll rise up and we'll do it a thousand times again" Liam sings his heart out behind the door

I laugh at his attempt to sing my favorite song

"Come on I could hear you laughing behind the door" I unlock my door but quickly ran to my bathroom and locked the door

"Seriously Lilly!!!!! Why would you do that, I've been trying so hard to get in your room I even sang" Liam said pounding on the door even harder

"Well I'm sorry dude but if you wanna get in you gotta earn it" I laugh my mood lightening

"Lilly please, let me in" He begged

"Okay okay. What's my favorite color?"

"that's easy it's Red" He said

"Okay..... What am I thinking right now?"

"Your thinking that I'm gonna get this answer wrong because I can't read minds"

Wow..... Even though I was thinking that I wasn't gonna let him know that

"Wrong!!!!! I was thinking about FOOD" I said with no question in my voice

"That is such a lie Lilly"

There was silence

"Lilly seriously, talk to me you know you could always count on me........ Please open up and tell me what's wrong. It better not be some cliché sh*t because of your date tomorrow with Blake......"

I mentally slap myself for telling Liam of my date cause he's just gonna talk about it whole day. Its not even that big of a deal. Its just a date

"Its not that dummy" I say laughing at his crazy accusations

"Then what is it?"

"I dunno a sense of sadness just rolled over me" I said truthfully

"Is it because of Lisa? He said with a shaky voice

We never talk about Lisa. Never. we didn't even know her. Before my mom had Lyell we heard that we were getting a baby sister but she died during child birth my mom was in a really dark place after that. I don't cry because of the baby I cry because of the state if sadness that was over this family. I was only a little kid when my mom started drinking and driving I didn't understand anything back then but then she started getting counselling and she slowly got better and then Lyell was born but she's still hurt after all these years. Every now and again I get sad because mom really could have really gotten hurt
"Lilly don't worry we're gonna be okay" He said and I could fell his warmth behind the door

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