Chapter 4 - Ready

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"Rise and shine sleepy heads!" I shouted "time to go to the beach!"

"Why the hell are you up so early?"Blake said while rubbing his eyes

"I'm kind of an early riser"(liesssss) I replied grabbing a pillow and started beating Liam "Wake up" I shouted in his ear but he didn't even move

"Okay I think we should go get breakfast cause the others aren't even waking up" Blake told me as he walked outside the room and I followed

"Do you know that you look really pretty for someone who just woke up" Blake said while sitting at the kitchen island

I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say and my cheeks were heating up but I finally snapped out of it and said a casual thanks. We made French toast,eggs,bacon and sausages.
The others woke up about fifteen minutes after we made breakfast and we all ate and started to get ready for the beach

"Can you walk with Lyell?" Lyell asked from behind us

I raised an eyebrow at him"Why are you referring to yourself in third person?"

"Because I can" he replied grabbing a left over toast

"Your not going" Liam shouted loudly from the top of the stairs

Lyell rolled his eyes" I'm not gonna be in your way. Some friends are going to the beach so I wanna go and I'm only asking you for your permission cause mom and dad aren't here"

"So why didn't you ask me"Liam aked as he ran down the stairs. "I'm like so hurt"

"Lilly is older than you" Lyell simply said

"Only by 5 minutes !" Liam screamed

I rolled my eyes "whatever"

"Isn't that Lyell?" Rose asked pointing to a figure in the distance. We are currently sitting on the sand watching the guys surf which is quite funny cause Liam can't surf but he's pretending to know. Blake looked so hot, his abs are incredibly sexy. I can't believe I'm saying this about a dude I just met. Did I like him?

"That can't be Lyell, that guy has four girls around his arms" I say in disbelief

"It is him!"she said pointing to the figure again

It did look like him and he was wearing a red shirt just like Lyell's.........wait, it was him. I can't believe he has four girls around his arms and none of them is Kylie, what js he thinking.... what is this generation becoming? I get up and start walking towards him really fast. I finally reached him and yanked him around

"Lyell? Who are these girls"I ask very impatiently

"Who is she, is she like your girlfriend or something"the blonde girl next to him asked

"No she's way to old" another girl said

Who does she think she is? Calling me old

"Umm the last time I checked your mother wasn't young"I snapped

I can't believe I just said that but it honestly slipped out. the girl stamped her foot and walked away along with her other followers.

"Seriously Lilly Did you have to go there?" Lyell asked angrily but smiling

"Excuse me why are you angry with me?" I say even more angrily than him

"What girlfriend" Lyell says and smiles like a lunatic and started dancing around

Why does his breath smell to strongly of alcohol? Wait was he drunk?

"Lyell what did you drink?" I asked with concern in my voice

"Oh nothing much, just some vodka"he says very excitedly


"Okay... Let's get you back to the beach" I say guiding him

"Whats up with your bro?" James asked taking out a snack we brought with us

"Well he drank 'some' vodka and now he's smiling like an idiot" I tell the group

"Wow doesn't seem like some" Blake said in disbelief

"Yup.....and I did it cause ma friends was doing it.......but I loved it" Lyell is now talking like a child which is annoying

"He's wayyyyyy under age he shouldn't be drinking" Liam said from behind me"what are we gonna tell mom and dad?"

I sighed"they don't have to know"

"Anyway let's go and enjoy ourselves in the water Lyell is gonna pass out anytime now" Rose said getting up and taking off her beach dress. She's wearing a neon orange bikini that fits her body perfectly. Liam's mouth drops open and his eyes are filled with pure lust. Ew

"Rose you look great girl, why haven't I seen that bikini before?" I asked taking off my beach top

"I just bought it" she said turning around and spinning

I'm wearing an aqua blue bikini which matches the color of the ocean, with silver diamonds on the bra cups. I notice Blake staring at me wide eyes and I giggle. Anne on the other hand is wearing a tight pink strapless monokini which looks great. Fitting get curves perfectly

We all run towards the water leaving Lyell behind and we played a lot in the water. We started playing tag in the water and Blake was trying to catch me but I'm a faster swimmer than him. He eventually caught me and ducked me. I tried to get out of his grip but he was obviously stronger than I am. He finally brought me back up but I was expecting him to let me go but he didn't, he just held me close looking deep into my eyes and all I could've done was stare back into his.

"Your are very beautiful, Lilly and you're all I think about since I've been here which is only a couple of days but a lot of hours and minutes. I think I like you lilyanna Rachel Patterson."

Oh... My.... God!!!! Where the he'll did that confession come from? I don't know what to say. I obviously liked him back but oh my gosh am I ready to confess yet? Isnt it too soon to tell? Well I gurss it's now or never

"Well guess what? I think I like you back too" I said smiling "oh and how do you know my full name?"

"I got links" he casually said letting me out of his grasp

"Wow, well dont ever call me that again please, I absolutely hate it." I said with disgust in my voice.

"Well I love it and I don't care if you beat me up for calling you lilyanna" he said sticking out his town

This is when I notice that James, Anne, Rose and Liam aren't in the water

"Hey where us everyone?" I ask turning to Blake

"I think they went to get ice cream"

I nod my head then mentally stared cursing Rose for not letting me know they were going for ice cream

"So Lilyanna, would you like to go on a date with me?" Blake asked

How can I say no to a face like that?

"Yes, Blake I would love to go on a date with you" I say grinning like a lunatic

He pulled me into a bear hug and whispered in my ears" have I ever told you how much I love your smiles?"

I was just about to answer when I heard Rose shouting" Lilly!!Liam is being mean to me."

I quickly separated myself from Blake's embrace and turned to see Rose pouting.
I shaked my head knowing what I was getting myself into.

AN: Short chapter though....we got a little romance between Lilly and Blake don't worry there is a lot more of where that came from. Stay tuned for the next chapter:)

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