Chapter Two

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    "Elizabeth dear! Nice to finally see you again! How have you been?" Like always, Kate is being all fake like she even care how I am doing. She is just acting like that because my dad is right there.

    "I am pretty alright, Kate, considering the fact that you literally took my dad away from me for like five months. So Dad, how did it feel like to be away from your daughter for so long? Then when you finally get to see me you are-" I looked at the clock on my phone and felt anger rush into me. "You are freaking one hour late! So NOW I see how important I am to you." I grab my wallet and left ten dollars on the table for wasting that poor waiter's time.

    "Bug Eyes d-"

    "Don't call me that! Stop acting like you care about me like you did before you met this woman who is younger than your oldest child who is 30!"  I snapped.

    "Elizabeth, I love you and always will, but you need to understand that this 'woman' is now my wife so you have to respect her or I won't be able to have the relationship I want with you. The world does not revolve around you! So stop being like a bratty child and grow the hell up! You are definitely going to respect Kate now because she is going to bring your new baby brother or sister and we don't need you stressing her out!" With these words my dad said, I felt a tear roll down my face. He will always choose Kate over me and now as well the new baby. I need to just understand that and face the truth.  

    With that, I got up and started to head out of the restaurant. I heard my father calling but I ignored him. I just really needed to get out of that place.


    "He said what?! Do you need me to beat a dad?" Ally was the first person I had to call as soon as I got home. I know she of all people could make me feel better after everything that happened.

    "He always I swear chooses Kate over me. Now I am really not gone matter when the new baby gets here. I really miss my mom you know. Days like these makes me miss her even more. I miss the feeling of a parent that shows you how much they love you." I said tears feeling my eyes with the thought of my mother not being here.

    "Screw him, Liz! He isn't worth it. I know you miss your physically being here but she is here looking down at you. She is always gone to be here with you in your heart. I bet it is killing her seeing you like this. Hell, it is killing me! I love you, Liz, and I don't want to see you like this! Tomorrow after school we are going to the mall and do a little shopping to cheer you up! And if your dad does anything else call me and I'll show him a bit of my mad ninja skills, dad edition." As she said this, I can imagine her doing her evil face.

    "Thank you. What in the world would I do without you?"

    "Oh trust me, I know, you don't even have to tell me. You love me. I am flattered! I love you too babe! Well as your fairy godmother my work here shall continue tomorrow because even fairy godmothers need sleep!"

    "But it is like-"

   "I know what time it is, but sleep doesn't need no time! Sleep, my dear, is good for the soul! Now if you want me to do my job as fairy godmother good, then let me get me some awesome sleep!" she said a bit dramatically.

    "Ya you and your sleep Al.  Well imma let you go. Well bye girl!"

   "Byeeeeee!" she said then hung up.

    Even though I'm usually not the one to go to sleep at 6 in the evening, I'll make an exception this time. After everything that happened today, I will need it. I also don't want to be up whenever my dad and Kate gets home. After all I am still living with them......

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