Chp9: I know you are not bad

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While chasing Randhir sanyukta suddenly slipped & fell back with a thud...
"Aaah.." she screamed

"You can't walk properly & chali mere daant todne" Randhir chuckled..
"You Idiot abhi bhi hasi aarahi hai tumhe??
laga mujhe" she chipped while rubbing her elbow which started bleeding

After watching the blood he ranup to her & tried to touch it..
"Don't" she glared

He glared her back & pulled her arm lightly & removed his hanky to clean it
before he could touch it she closed her eyes tight in fear

"Tumhe dar bhi lagta hai??" he chuckled
"M nt scared of anything" she chipped with her eyes still closed

He shook his head
is she the same girl who almost killed a guy few mins back?? he wondered & pressed the hanky on her wound
& she winched in pain..

"You juz pretend to be strong but you are not" he marked
"No nothing like that" she looked away..
"Really??" he turned her face holding her chin
& looking straight into her eyes

No one was allowed to look deep down in her hazel orbs & findout what's going in her mind!!
no had the power to know her well!!
but he was making an eye contact with those pretty hazel orbs which displayed a different story..
a different sanyukta..

"Listen you juz stay away from me" she pushed him back & gotup

coz you are scared that I'll find your real side??" he caught her wrist

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